FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Have excess seed? Share it with other members here.

Moderator: Matt

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By Shadowtski
Posts:  4724
Joined:  Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:19 am
Order fulfilled.
Return envelope going out in tomorrow's mail.

Cross your fingers.
Sarracenia seeds seem to be a favorite target of the Postal seed crushing machinery.

I'll be packing them in a cardboard window cutout protector.

Let me know if they arrive intact.

Good growing,

Sure, the more the merrier! Just remember to add t[…]

Ah! If possible, then, could I add the mixed dros[…]

Oddly shaped Sarr

Hey all, a couple of pitchers came up with corkscr[…]

May 2024 Photo Contest - In the Bog

Here’s my big! Established in late 2021 Fi[…]

Does this Rooting hormone work for Byblis?

I’ve grown Byblis for a while but never trie[…]

That looks something like mineral burn. What subst[…]

Nepenthes cold shock?

I'm just dipping my toes into the world of nepenth[…]

New to carnivorous plants!

I have two little pots (the ones they came from L[…]

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