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By IHaveNoIdea
Posts:  536
Joined:  Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:28 pm
I got this Adelae about 10 days ago. It didn't produce any dew so I put a glass over it 2 days ago. The problem is, that the lower leaves started to die. Is it normal or should I take the glass off?
P_20150712_101512.jpg (1.24 MiB) Viewed 3771 times
P_20150712_101503.jpg (1.04 MiB) Viewed 3771 times
By Jds
Posts:  730
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I think your should remove the glass container as I done same with growing live moss and it started growing mould.
If you want to keep it then just cut the brown part to avoid mould.
By YaronR
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If it came with a hood for humidity, then you need to acclimate it gradually to lower humidity.
Any way, that jar both prevents light and increases humidity to the point it might cause problems

Sent from my phone, so sorry for mistakes.
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By nimbulan
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I tried covering my adelae once to help it produce dew, but just ended up with grey mold attacking the leaves and had to cut a bunch of them off. It's better if you leave it off and try to slowly adjust it to more light. My experience with the plant is that it is very slow to adjust, and burns easily when suddenly exposed to more light. I had to move it closer to my grow light over a period of several weeks then let it sit for about 3 months before it started to perk up.

I've heard some clones are much less finnicky so hopefully you have one of those.
By w03
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In my experience, D. adelae adjusts to a wide variety of humidity and light conditions, and adapts fairly quickly. Potting the plant in a mix of mostly long-fiber sphagnum seems to help a lot - imo all three of the Queensland Drosera grow somewhat better in lfs mixes.
By AaaaNinja
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The older leaves probably won't produce dew. When my plants do that, I wait for the new leaves to come in. If you're going to cut the older leaves off, you can cut them into 1" sections and spread them out. Maybe you'll get more plants. The plant adapts fine to indoor conditions.

If the whole thing turns brown (they have a habit of doing that spontaneously), new plants will come from the roots in about a month. Just keep the soil moist like usual. They are really really really hard to kill. The leaves that are turning brown on yours are the ones at the base. That's normal. Eventually they can end up with a brown 'skirt'. You can cut them off if it's too ugly.
By SundewWolf
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w03 wrote:imo all three of the Queensland Drosera grow somewhat better in lfs mixes.


This sundew also looks to be light starved. Eventually it should be acclimated to better light, and that will help dew production as well.
By IHaveNoIdea
Posts:  536
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Well, I thought that the dying of the leaves might be caused by the glass I put on the plant, because it happened right after I did that.
I have some other Droseras so I know it happens naurally too. I checked the plant today and it looks like a new leaf is oppening. So I guess Adealae is doing fine now. We will see.

I won't repot it to LFS, it is hard to get here and furthermore I don't want to stress the plant even more now.

Light starved, huh. Do you think it has enough of light now?

Thank you all for the contribution. :)
By tommyr
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Take that cover off, increase light. Keep in a water tray. 99% of the time it's not enough light that causes no dew. These grow like a weed for me.

By IHaveNoIdea
Posts:  536
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Lol, that is crazy. I have it on my windowsill (inside) along with the others. I would put them out, but it is really lot outside these days. It is 80°F in the shade and 100°F on the full sun. Isn't it too much?
By tommyr
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IHaveNoIdea wrote:Lol, that is crazy. I have it on my windowsill (inside) along with the others. I would put them out, but it is really lot outside these days. It is 80°F in the shade and 100°F on the full sun. Isn't it too much?
DON'T put it outside. A bright window is all it needs. I have some in a west window. That tray is just under a west window.
By IHaveNoIdea
Posts:  536
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Well, then I guess I just have to wait :D
I got them on east facing window, should be enough.
By tommyr
Posts:  1753
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IHaveNoIdea wrote:Well, then I guess I just have to wait :D
I got them on east facing window, should be enough.
Yeah, that should be enough. Give it time. Keep us up to date. If after a few weeks you still have no dew try putting a florescent light about 5 inches above the plant during daylight hours.
By IHaveNoIdea
Posts:  536
Joined:  Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:28 pm
There is really just a bit of the dew on the leaves. It started to put up new leaves though. I guess that is a good sign.
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