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By Daniel_G
Posts:  5472
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I've got one 1ML across :P
Didn't i tell you to move it to a windowsill and,it's better,good advice or what eh?
By Grey
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I've been intending on doing it for a while now, but my windowsill hurts my hands to touch (cold) so I'd dread to think what it may have done to my sundews. Thanks, though. Good to get alligning opinions from various sources.
By Daniel_G
Posts:  5472
Joined:  Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:27 pm
Trust me,mine take temps as low as 0C and are fine :D and my ceph grows like that too (somehow)
By dantt99
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Thanks for the updates, I love hearing about what people grow :D
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By stitz25b
Posts:  2247
Joined:  Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:10 am
do you mean ur giving some away
By victor
Posts:  2028
Joined:  Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:42 am
NIce growlist!!!
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Just a few plant related updates for all of you =].

Venus Fly Traps Dionaea Muscipula
Mr. Nomnom and Big Red have both been divided and still appear to be dividing. I have four adult plants in total now. The parent plants are flowering but I will be cutting the stalks and propagating them.

My seedlings look great. They are forming their first traps and look healthy. I'll be moving them to an area with more light once the weather warms up a little and hope to put them in their own "growing trough" later this year or this time next year.

Butterworts Pinguicula
My Mexican varieties of Pinguicula are starting to come out of dormancy (finally). My Cyclosecta's leaves are thickening and they look like they are changing colour. I have three of these plants and I believe they are starting to divide.

My Pinguicula Weser, Beatrice, looks okay. She's slowly coming out of dormancy as well and appears to be doing well. Her leaves are starting to develop their stickiness which is a good sign.

I have two Pinguicula Esseriana, both of which are dividing. One of them is flowering (YES!). I'm hoping when the warm, Spring sun gets through to my plants my P. Cyclosecta will change to that fabelled colour of purple! I also have a single P. x Tina and P. Laueana which both look very healthy and robust. The P. Laueana appears to be changing colour.

I have a Temperate Pinguicula: P. Grandiflora. This plant started coming out of dormancy about a week ago alongisde its propagated buds. The buds look gorgeous as does the fully grown plant. I received it in dormancy so I've never seen one first-hand that is not in its hibernacula. Very excited.

Sundews Drosera
I have a single Drosera: a D. Capensis Alba. I've always had problems getting my Drosera to dew up but now it is finally doing so and is growing like crazy.

Monkey Cups Nepenthes
I have three Nepenthes: N. Alata, N. Ventrata and N. Sanguinea "Black Jack". Their growth has been quite slow throughout Winter but I am starting to see changes. My N. Alata (which I grew from a very small plant) has increased the size of one of its pitchers over the course of winter, which is my pride and joy. Many of the undeveloped pitchers on all my Nepenthes are starting to swell, which I think is a good sign.
By victor
Posts:  2028
Joined:  Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:42 am
Very nice list! You're so lucky that you have a p. gradiflora.
I've wanted one since forever.
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
9th April 2011

I had high hopes for spring; with it being the end of my first dormancy I wasn't sure what to expect but I knew it would be a grand display of colours and growth. I've stayed optimistic as I'm still a novice but spring did not relent and did NOT disappoint!

As of late March/early April, my Pinguicula Weser known as Beatrice has been dividing like crazy. She's slowly turning a beautiful pale pink and her new division is following suit. Her previous division has sprung to life and is also turning pink whereas the division of one of Beatrice's divisions (whew!) looked as though it was dying - I was wrong: it's a tiny clump of about four plants. A small "clod" of leaves that I accidently removed from the clump of plants during repotting in winter has struck and is growing rapidly.

My Pinguicula Cyclosecta are turning purple and dividing like crazy. My Pinguicula Tina looks absolutely gorgeous and is growing very big very quickly while my Pinguicula Laueana - oh my Gosh I cannot describe the colour! She is turning a dark pink/purple and is just.. well. Wow. My two P. Esseriana have divided and are now both in clumps of at least three plants each: they have not started changing colour yet but that's okay - they look fit and healthy. My P. Grandiflora and its divisons are rapidly growing and I am awaiting to see the results of a suspiciously swollen seed pod on the parent plant.

My D. Capensis Alba has grown substancially over the winter alone and has at least grown an extra 25% in size since spring started to hit; I've had to move it around several times as I am lacking space in my room so its dewiness has varied. It's now in a static position on my windowsill. My venus fly traps look good; Big Red and Little Big Red (both from the same plant) are getting a beautiful redness to their traps and each plant has between nine and fifteen healthy looks traps. Mr Nomnom and his division aren't looking as colourful but still look healthy; Mr. Nomnom's division has at least sixteen traps on it. All the seedlings look wonderful and are growing in the warm sun of my windowsill; while they were all grown from the green seed mix available in the FlyTrapStore, one is showing particually red leaves and traps and I cannot wait to see how it develops.

Now, over the course of germinating my venus fly trap seed I've been trying to find a way to "stack" their seed trays at my windowsill so they all get a wonderful amount of sunlight and stay warm. I had intended on getting a custom shelf built however we discovered that a tall "filing cabinet" like structure can be used to equal effect. The structure consists of a metal frame and - much like the frames of a miniature greenhouse - has several "shelves", all of which have a seed tray slotted into it. Since the seedlings were moved to this structure, they have doubled in size.

Each of my Nepenthes has at least two new pitchers developing. I won't deny I've found it increasingly difficult to care for them but I am scheming as we speak to fix the issue! I'm now considering what Pinguicula I would like to purchase next and whether or not when my condition improves I will start growing some more seed.

I will definately be purchasing any red-mix seed at FTS if it is available this year so look out Matt & Steve - I've got my eye on your store!

Edit: Just checked over some Darlingtonia Californica seed I sowed a couple of weeks ago. Germination! Counted two seeds to have germinated so far. That was very unexpected considering I just loosely scattered them on a bed of dead sphagnum moss and misted them regularly.. then forgot about them (though the sphagnum never dried out). Yay!

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