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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By kevinqwe
Posts:  1840
Joined:  Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:04 am
dont repot yet.
right water spring, take the plant out of the pot by turning it upside down and tapping it. after that get a cup of distilled water and break off remaining soil. after that, have a pot full of the mix ready and you're down.

how old is your plant, or how long have you had it?
you dont need to repot every year. you can wait like 2 years for the plant to fully develop.
By ModeratelyExcessive
Posts:  462
Joined:  Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:49 pm
You may have this down already but in case not, rinse the perlite in distilled water to remove any excess minerals. Also use distilled water to mix the peat and perlite.

I recommend reading these as well: ... -trap.html ... -trap.html
By moof
Posts:  1036
Joined:  Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:54 am
Here you are:

First, you need to remove the plant from the pot

You need to get rid of the old soil, but leave some on the roots to avoid growth stop after repotting

If you've got more than one plants, separate them. Be careful, but don't worry - you can't harm them too much this way


Plant them into the new soil:)

And Matt's articles are a great addition to these photos, follow his instructions in the articles linked by ModeratelyExcessive:)
moof, moof, moof liked this
By vampirita
Posts:  15
Joined:  Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:13 am
Hello everyone! I stated this post cause i wanted to share with you step by step my invitro's development. So later on i will explain the methods i used to create th first attemp. So, i am very glad today to see i have 3 more little babies coming from my dionaea jaar. Its amazing!
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