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Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers

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By houseplantfan
Posts:  7
Joined:  Tue Jul 11, 2017 2:44 pm
Hello! I am new to growing VFTs. I used a 50/50 mix of LF sphagnum moss and perlite to repot a VFT that was purchased in regular potting mix. I then read conflicting reports on LF sphagnum versus using regular peat. Should I repot my VFT and mix in some peat or will it be ok? I did this 2 days ago and the mix is still very wet but no longer draining. I have a large drainage hole in the bottom of my pot so I am not concerned about standing water, just the amount of water retained in the mix. ~ Thanks!
By Fishkeeper
Posts:  806
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
LFSM is generally considered to be the best substrate in which to plant flytraps. As long as you didn't pack it in tightly, it's good.

Soak a handful of sphagnum in water, then squeeze it out like it's a sponge and feel how wet it is. That's about the dampness level that you're aiming for. You generally want to wring out a newly soaked mix before putting plants in it, otherwise it's a bit too wet and may take some time to dry out properly.
By houseplantfan
Posts:  7
Joined:  Tue Jul 11, 2017 2:44 pm
Thank you! I do have a follow up question. My soil did drain well, thankfully, but now my plant isn't doing well. I let it hang out inside (getting full sun from about 4pm on) for a few days to let it recover and then put it on my patio in full sun.

We are experiencing high humidity and had one evening of rain. After 2 days, I lost 2 traps and 2 more are yellow with black spots. The other 3 heathy traps are closed (probably from trapping something). I moved it to my screened in porch because I thought maybe it was getting too much sun/heat. Any suggestions as to what is going on? I have attached a picture.
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By Matt
Posts:  22524
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Looks like the normal adjusting that occurs when plants are introduced to full sun. They will shed older traps and grow new ones that are hardened.

Unfortunately though the long fiber sphagnum moss it is potted in appears to be the very poor quality Mossier Lee brand. If the plant doesn't grow well for you over the next 4 to 6 weeks, I'd suggest repotting it in higher quality sphagnum moss or a better peat-based mix.
By Fishkeeper
Posts:  806
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
Probably sunburn. Keep it on the porch for a day or two, then start gradually introducing it to full sun to get it acclimated. Put it in full sun for an hour or two a day, then two or three hours, then so on until it's out for the full day and doesn't need to be moved any more. Flytraps need bright, full sun, but yours probably needs acclimation.

What brand of sphagnum is that? It looks like it might be fairly low-quality, which could mean it's full of mineral contamination.
By riveraXVX
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looks like mosser lee to me also, I'd find a better LFSM (besgrow/spagmoss new zealand LFSM will be vastly superior to that stuff I wouldn't let my flytraps near it!

check out the LFSM offered in the flytrapstore for a pictorial difference that stuff looks dead and dried out the nice stuff is light and fluffy ... agnum-moss
By houseplantfan
Posts:  7
Joined:  Tue Jul 11, 2017 2:44 pm
Wow, you guys are good! I did use Mosser Lee LFSM. I had read not to use their sand but didn't know the moss was low quality. I ordered some besgrow moss and more perlite tonight. I'll replant as soon as it comes in. Thanks for all of the advice.
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By tdcanalichio
Posts:  1
Joined:  Wed Aug 02, 2017 2:15 pm
May I suggest, just as a plant person, to avoid moving your VFT around so often. It will get used to a good spot and adjust. If it was happy where it was, it might be wise to move back? Just food for thought

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