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Discussions about fluorescent, LED and other types of grow lighting for Venus Flytraps and other plants

Moderator: Matt

By Fishkeeper
Posts:  813
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
I currently have a small collection of plants that includes a few 'typical' flytraps, Cape and Spatulata sundews, two unidentified Lowe's sarracenia, U. Longifolia, U. Sandersonii, and N. Sanguinea. Everything fits in a 1' by 2' grow area. I would like to take these plants to college with me, but I sincerely doubt that any of the windows there (I've seen the buildings) will provide enough sunlight for them. Therefore, I need a light fixture.

Due to Fire Marshal regulations, I can only have LED lights. When I asked if grow lights would be allowed, I was informed that I'll need to send a link to the exact light for them to make a decision about whether it's something I can bring. I'd like to have a few options to show them and ask if any would be acceptable.

Must keep all plants listed happy. They don't need to be brilliantly colored, but I'd like them to be alive and growing.
Must be as low voltage as possible- the buildings are old.
Must be LED.
Preferably bright enough to keep a couple of orchids on the outskirts of the grow area happy as well.
By Fishkeeper
Posts:  813
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm

About halfway down the page, it says "Study light: CFL bulbs or LED lights only."

The university Fire Marshal is very strict about things that could potentially cause fires, so I need a fixture that won't produce a lot of heat. Also, as the buildings and wiring are old, I need a fixture that doesn't require very much energy.
By SundewWolf
Posts:  2219
Joined:  Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:38 pm
Anyways check this out: ... SwTA9X4laU

I use that on my Heliamphora and drosera falconeri. They work pretty good. He's also got other options on his ebay store. Bulbs only, so get good at ghetto-rigging.
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By coffeenflowers
Posts:  119
Joined:  Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:06 am
Do you have the money for something like this? Ray22 This fixture is only 45W and uses only passive cooling. It should just get warm. Otherwise you can find LED light bars at places like Home Depot. I've heard of people using ones made by Feit Electric, but I wouldn't expect them to be as good as the Fluence bar.
By Fishkeeper
Posts:  813
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
I really don't think the Fire Marshal would go for the idea of a light fixture jury-rigged by a teenager. I need to find entire fixtures.

How does this look? ... 2056909769

I'm trying to find a small fixture, not a 4' tube. I only have a 2' by 1.5' grow area, after all, and no plans to expand that.
Hello again from Florida


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