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Discuss Drosera, Byblis, and Drosophyllum plant care here

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By David F
Posts:  1649
Joined:  Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:41 pm
Hello everyone. Recently I was fortunate enough to have two genetically different Drosera adelae clones flower at the same time. I'm in the process of cross pollinating the flowers in the hopes that they will produce viable seed, no easy task with this species. Anyway, I will be posting updates to this thread for you guys from flower to finish for better or worse, so enjoy!

I was in a hurry taking these first photos, but I hope it's at least informative or interesting.

Left is the standard clone, right is the "white" or "creme" flower form


Thanks! More updates as they come along.
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By SundewWolf
Posts:  2219
Joined:  Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:38 pm
You have a white flower form? ...jesus let me know if you are selling any divisions of that.

I also have been curious about making a hybrid with an adelae, like they do with prolif and schiz to get x andromeda's. I only have the giant form adelae right now though, and the schizandra "farm" took a mysterious turn for the worse with what looks to be rot. just focusing on re-propagating all of them now...
By David F
Posts:  1649
Joined:  Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:41 pm
SundewWolf wrote:You have a white flower form? ...jesus let me know if you are selling any divisions of that.

I also have been curious about making a hybrid with an adelae, like they do with prolif and schiz to get x andromeda's. I only have the giant form adelae right now though, and the schizandra "farm" took a mysterious turn for the worse with what looks to be rot. just focusing on re-propagating all of them now...

@SundewWolf, your slug died, but I still plan on sending you adelae and in the spring. However, everyone who is interested in Drosera adelae "white flower" may have to wait until the end of 2017 or beginning of 2018 before I can sell any. I'm trying my best, but most of the material is tied up in europe.

Thanks for your interest guys.
By David F
Posts:  1649
Joined:  Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:41 pm
HeliamphoraWalnut wrote:I thought the white flowered form disappeared....or turned red...
Hmm. There seems to be some sort of mythology surrounding the white flowered plants. I can assure you they are alive and well. Though rare in the U.S. I hear mention of them all the time from growers, such as those from the Czech Republic.
Hello from Arkansas!

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