FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By JoyFunWow
Posts:  33
Joined:  Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:45 pm
Got my first order of two starter plants today. What amazing customer service and packaging.. Plants packed snugly and well secured in their cups... came with detailed instructions with a handwritten note plus individual plant tags too. They arrived really fast.. Ordered Thursday of Thanksgiving weekend and they arrived Monday morning. Awesome communication too. Plants are healthy and look really well cared for! I'll be ordering more.
JoyFunWow liked this
Cape sundew stem

Damn, okay! That’s awesome. How long do t[…]

So waddya ya know?

Biblical hermeneutics.

Nepenthes and ants

Nepenthes secrete a nectar to attract bugs, ants i[…]

Yes, it's false vivipary. It's not too uncommon an[…]

Drosera seedlings moldy

It'll be the plastic cover that caused the mould, […]

Unkown sarracenia

Agreed, alata is the only species I know with that[…]

Phal lighting question

How much like do Phal's like? Bright off light so[…]

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