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By Reno3
Posts:  3
Joined:  Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:47 pm
Well, to make a long story short:

I was what was supposed to be Low Giant seeds (seeds looked good)
Seeds were planted on 7/1/2014, and here's a picture of them at 8/12/2014:

I also have picture of the seeds if that helps:

I'm questioning if these are even venus fly traps, looks nothing like young seedlings in the pictures on this site anywhere, they seem to be really leafy and just growing one stem. The seeds looked right though. I could be wrong. Would be a shame to have wasted all this time for nothing.

So this leads me to two questions:

1) Does anyone know if these are truly venus fly trap seedlings just by looking at them?
2) And if not, would anyone know what they might be?

Any information will be greatly appreciated as I am new to all this.
By SundewWolf
Posts:  2219
Joined:  Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:38 pm
They definitely are not VFT seeds, or even CP seeds. Sorry. People have made posts like this before, and I'm guessing the sellers of these seeds just want to make a quick buck, or somehow keep mis-labeling their stock.
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By Darkrai283
Posts:  2491
Joined:  Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:28 pm
PiranhaPlanter, they're definitely not a Plectranthus or Solenostemon spp. (Formerly Coleus spp.) like roarke said.

Reno3, I've grown or seen those seedlings somewhere before but I can't remember what they were! Grrrrrr...

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