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By kronos1996
Posts:  515
Joined:  Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:23 pm
Well this guy looks pretty awesome so I can't wait to be one of the first people to have it! (And I will get it somehow ;) My thing is this: I want to know what would happen if you crossed it with Jaws or DC-XL etc.

I have some requested crosses for Matt!

Maroon Monster x DC-XL

Lunatic Fringe x Any red clone

Wacky Traps x Any red clone

Jaws x Maroon Monster

Dutch x Paradisia x Long Red Fingers x Korean Melody Shark x Purple Ambush (probably the most colorful batch of seedlings ever grown I think!)

I love to experiment and try new things! Unfortunately I have neither the experience or resources to do any of the above myself... The last combination of cross breeding was aimed at achieving the most colorful Non-Red varieties possible, after all red varieties can't have other interesting colors like oranges, light pinks and yellows.
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By Matt
Posts:  22524
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Those all look like interesting crosses! I normally do try to make some interesting crosses with odd or very nice plants and red varieties. I did Alien x FTS Maroon Monster this year. Can't wait to see what comes of those babies!
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By kronos1996
Posts:  515
Joined:  Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:23 pm
Maroon Monster is THE go-to red VFT for any breeding purposes due to its superior growth... Mine came with a quarter sized baby that it was only slightly bigger than! And one the size on a needle which I separated (stupid me) and then it shriveled up and turned brown... A week or two later it was back! The little guy is about the size of a dime now! The fact that such a small plantlet could survive premature seperation and being thrown into full sun sold me on FTS Maroon Monsters incredible durability! And now the mother plant has another young growth point bringing my grand total to four! Did I mention the mother plant is barely the size of a half dollar and i s just recovering from severe sunburn? And just opened its first functional traps in almost two months? I may not have an adult plant yet but I have witnessed firsthand how tough these little guys are! Can I gently fertilize it so it will size up before dormancy?
By kronos1996
Posts:  515
Joined:  Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:23 pm
FTS Maroon Monster x Jaws... Please!!! The ultimate red sawtooth flytrap! Y'all have created the ultimate red VFT it would be a shame not to use it for further generation of clones, Much the same way Royal Red and Akai Ryu are the parents of most other red VFT's.
Hello again from Florida


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