FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Say hello and tell everyone a bit about yourself.

Moderator: Matt

By Dragoness
Posts:  54
Joined:  Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:20 am
My name is Jen.

New to the forums, kinda new to carnivores. Been keeping them only a couple years, (VFT and Sarracenia purpurea). Needless to say I have been bitten, and am going to try my hand at a few more pitchers (Sarracenia sp.) and some of the assorted Nepenthes, as well as butterworts and sundews. Eventually if I am lucky, and feel ready, I would like to get some Heliamphora going as well, but that's rather long term, since I consider myself a novice at this point. I am also aiming to put in a carnivorous plant garden (bog) in my backyard, showcasing the native species that can be found in my area.

I already keep numerous species of exotic reptile/amphibian/invertebrates, so building enclosures with specific heat/humidity/light requirements is nothing new to me, and I'm pretty sure much of that knowledge can be applied to building suitable terrariums for some of the more finicky species I hope to work with.
By Lovebrug
Posts:  32
Joined:  Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:38 pm
Hi Jen new here too,
Welcome and anyone who raises reptile/amphibian/invertebrates is way fun in my book !
Do you do dart frogs ? I've always wanted to try.

By Dragoness
Posts:  54
Joined:  Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:20 am
I don't do dart frogs - yet. Fruit fly cultures still seem like a bit too much work for me, but I'm getting there. Already culture 3 species of cockroach, how hard can fruit flies be?
Nepenthes pictures!

Nep Photos! N. Sanguinea, N. Vivid Machine, Nepent[…]

Hello. I recently acquired a hamata about 5 day[…]

I have also noticed that feeding speeds things up,[…]

In general, they like to be kept very moist to ver[…]

bog garden

you could go to Lowe's instead and get BetterGr[…]

What's Up

The owner of this forum and our gracious overseer […]

Should I just leave them be?

I have these Bohemian Garnet's and a yet to be id'[…]

U. bisquamata


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