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By MontanaKat
Posts:  30
Joined:  Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:40 pm

My name is Kathy. I live in Montana. I remember as a child I had my very first Venus Flytrap and I remember that my older brothers would feed my Venus Flytrap raw burger. I'm sure they thought it was cool that my plant would eat bugs. So they figure,"Why not burger?" Then my plant died on me. We all didn't realized that it was the burger caused my plant's death. I've never had one since then. They're hard to find here. The plants are so interesting. I've been thinking of buying few of them to start a new hobby. I know summer time is coming and I get Gnats in the window, thousands of them and some of the plants would love it. I'm hoping to get Sundews and B52. I'm still looking and trying to decide.

By pieguy452
Posts:  2460
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 11:09 pm
Welcome to flytrapcare, Kathy!

B52 is a great clone, its traps are gigantic! But have you ever looked into the mystery box at the flytrapstore? It's great for starting out a collection because it can give you a variety of flytraps :)
By garz
Posts:  92
Joined:  Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:21 am
Why not get both? A sundew and a VFT.

I own a young b52 which is a great vigorous grower. Only about 3-4 weeks and it's producing new traps and the traps that it came with are growing larger, as well. :o

The sundew I own is a D. Spatulata. It's supposed to be an easy great grower, and it sure is. It's also producing lots of growth and easy to grow.

Just be sure to read up on some care tips and you'll be good to go.. :)
By MontanaKat
Posts:  30
Joined:  Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:40 pm
Thanks for the welcome! :)

I'm glad there is forums of these cool plants and I've been doing some reading of the plants. When I get mine, maybe they won't die.

I think I will. I've notices that the B52 is out of stock. I also might get the Typical. I do have a small fish tank that I probably could put couple or just one plant in and the lid does have air holes.

I wonder if there is any plants would eat Hobo Spiders? Wishful thinking?
By Rudy272
Posts:  32
Joined:  Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:46 pm
Hey Kathy, welcome to the forum!
By SacredDemon
Posts:  11
Joined:  Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:25 pm
Welcome Kathy!

I got some B52's from the FlyTrapStore and they are fantastic. Huge plants and they are still just coming out of dormancy a little. I'm sure they would love to munch on those gnats. :P
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