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Discussions on how to propagate your plants sexually and asexually, by seed, natural division or leaf pulling

Moderator: Matt

By Darkrai283
Posts:  2491
Joined:  Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:28 pm
Some seeds from Triffid Nurseries arrived yesterday and sowed them yesterday night.

The seeds I ordered were: D.capensis, D.burmannii, D.binata 'T-form', and Darlingtonia but they had run out of D.binata seeds so I got D.Capensis 'red' seeds for it. :(
The capensis was meant to have around 100 seeds but I think there were around 500! And the darlingtonia was meant to have 30-50 but I think I got around 100. But the number of the D.capensis 'red' and the D.burmannii disappointed me. There were only around 5 seeds each!

So here are the pics.
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On the pics with the yes and no for the darlingtonia seeds, I didnt stratify the seeds with the 'no'. And for the one in the 'yes', I mixed water and 2 drops of washing up liquid in a container with the seeds in and left them in the fridge overnight and sowed them this morning. I read somewhere that this person does that with his darlingtonia seeds and has success every time so I thought I might do that instead of cold stratifying in the fridge for 4 weeks.
Darkrai283 liked this
By Daniel_G
Posts:  5472
Joined:  Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:27 pm
Good luck!
I bought 100 lowland nep seeds :lol: Got alot, but, this is britain, i had no chance or germination!

Good luck with your seeds! Especially the Darlingtonias!
Daniel_G liked this
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