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Discuss Pinguicula care here

Moderator: Matt

By bsmith38
Posts:  70
Joined:  Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:55 pm

My question is if I should stop watering my little plantlets that have grown from leaf pullings a few months ago for dormancy? Will they die if I do this? They are in same pot as the main plant that needs a dry dormancy and a few millimeters wide. I am just not sure if they are too small to do this or if they require the same conditions. Please answer with any suggestions.


By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
If you are referring to Mexican Pinguicula, I'd say the choice is yours. As all my Mexican Pings tend to grow together, they all go through the dry winter together regardless of size. I've had small divisions and pullings come through it without a problem. I don't think missing one winter dry period will affect them, but I haven't tested this, so really I'd say do what you think is best; if you choose not to go down the dry winter route just keep an eye on water because evaporation levels decrease over winter so rot is more of a concern, and try not to let them get too cold. You may find they go into the succulent phase anyway because decreased light exposure and prey levels are contributing factors too, though I suppose that depends on whether you grow them on a windowsill or under lights.
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So any sggestions, guidance, etc,?

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