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By xr280xr
Posts:  2807
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Note: counts are all off. Will update soon...

D. muscipula
Typicals (6)
Seed Grown (7)
Akai Ryu (1)
Red Piranha (4)
Czech Giant (6)
Maroon Monster (3)
G14 Rosetted (4)
Big Mouth (3)
Coquillage (2)
DC XL (2)
Korrigans (2)
Wacky Traps (1)
Grün (1)
Bristletooth (5)
Lunatic Fringe (1)
Sawtooth (1)

S. purpurea (0)
S. leucophylla (0)
S. Rubra (1)
S. Minor(0)
S. Uknown (1)

D. capensis (Countless)
D. capillaris (Seminole Co. Fl.)(5)
D. capillaris - Long Arm (Tate's Hell Swamp) (1)
D. Capillaris (Countless)

Cephalotus (1)
Typical (1)

P. moranensis "Fraser Beaut" (0)
P. 'Florian' (debbertiana x jaumavensis) (1)
P. moctezumae? (1)

Pullings/Cuttings/Seedlings (growing)
Big Mouth (2)
Typical (Botanical Wonders) (1)
Typical (Flower Stalk cutting from seed grown) (1)
D. Binata (wild) (2)
Sarracenia (10)
DC XL (3)
Last edited by xr280xr on Fri Apr 21, 2017 7:06 pm, edited 52 times in total.
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By tgplp
Posts:  131
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Lookin' good, xr280xr! :D I've got some Pink Venus, too. Keep updating us when you get some more! And trust me... you will get more. ;)

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By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
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Nice list! Have you put the seeds from that cross you made this year, Purpurea x leucophylla in stratification yet?
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By xr280xr
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katya_dog1 wrote:Nice list! Have you put the seeds from that cross you made this year, Purpurea x leucophylla in stratification yet?
Thanks! Nope, not yet, but I need to. I need to figure out where to sow them as well. I'm in a little bit of a predicament when it comes to space. My seedling tray is less than half full but has plants in it that I want to put dormant. Some of them are not really big enough to move out of the tray though.
By katya_dog1
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OK, well, when they sprout, update us! Do you have any artificial lights? Or is the seedling tray in the sun?
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By xr280xr
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Will do. Just updated my grow list too. I grow almost all my CPs under fluorescent lights, that's why the space is an issue. Still trying to figure out how to get flytraps to survive outdoors here.
By katya_dog1
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All of them! Isn't it hard for the tall sarracenia? I thought leucophylla was a foot tall. What goes wrong when you put them outside? Is it too hot for them?
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By xr280xr
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xr280xr wrote:almost all

You're right, those are too tall for inside (w/ my lights). Luckily, the pitcher plants have done great outside here. The VFTs have been the troublemakers. I thought maybe it was the heat and high UV and built a sun shade for them, but they still would have none of it this last year. They made it all through the winter and looked great early spring but then started declining and several died. I'm going to try again this spring and when they start declining try a fungicidal spray. I've noticed the pecan saplings around here sort of do the same thing. Their growth slows down and their leaves start looking all mottled and die. I think there's something in the air around here that might be getting them.
Last edited by xr280xr on Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By katya_dog1
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Oh, sorry. I did not see the 'almost all'. My bad. From what you are describing, it is probably airborne. But why it would not affect the pitchers is beyond me.

Thanks for the answers, and sorry for all the questions, I like hearing what other people do to grow and why so that I can do a better job. Thanks again!
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By xr280xr
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Not at all, thanks for asking! I like talking about CPs, that's why I'm here :). I think the alleged fungus was also getting to my pitchers but they were more tolerant, maybe because they're larger plants? It got all my indoor plants too. I'm not 100% sure it wasn't some kind of tiny pest (mites maybe), but I know the spray I got worked. There are certain plants I grow outside that don't seem to be bothered by whatever it is so maybe it is pests or just a picky fungus.
By katya_dog1
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Oh man. Really sorry to hear what your growing season was like, that is awful. At least most of your plants survived! In terms of the fungus, that seems quite wacky. A small plant, if it is healthy, probably has an immune system good enough to fight off something a pitcher could.

Then again, trees have a better immune system than shrubs, so I don't know. But if you have a fungicide that works, good for you! I hope you have more success growing next season!

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They arrived! thank you! :D

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