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Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the US

Moderator: Matt

By malika621
Posts:  165
Joined:  Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:29 pm
I'm currently looking to buy some sarracenia for a bog in my garden outside. I live in Georgia! :)
More specifically, I am looking for these species of Sarracenia:

S. alata
S. leucophylla
S. flava
S. minor
S. psittacina
S. purpurea (I already have two of these, but I might be willing to buy some more)
Or any crosses of these guys/ anything that will grow well in a Georgia climate, near Atlanta (It gets up to 100 on a few days, not many, and down below freezing on others. Yes I will mulch the plants in winter...)

Anyone have any or have a place that has decent prices? Please shoot me a message, and maybe we can arrange something! My mom has a paypal card that she said I can use for this purpose. Thank you for looking! :D
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