FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Where to buy Venus Flytraps and other carnivorous plants, and books and websites about them.
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Carnivorous Plant Suppliers
Places to buy Venus Flytraps and other carnivorous plants.
333 Topics 
2487 Posts
Re: Has anyone bought plants …
by MikeB
Books about Carnivorous Plants
Discuss carnivorous plant books here
34 Topics 
247 Posts
Re: Killer Plants
by PlantMom84
Websites about Carnivorous Plants
Discuss carnivorous plant websites here
46 Topics 
240 Posts
Re: Carnivorous Plant FAQ
by andynorth
Leaf cutting

If you just cut the traps off then the leaves can […]

A Thread for Pygmies

Very nice photo! I just harvested my first scorpio[…]

Wingless fruit flies?

I have a closed-tank setup for pygmy sundews and i[…]

Nepenthes pictures!

Newest pitcher just popped open on my N. Platychil[…]

Ok, What’d I Do?

That’s really helpful, thank you, especial[…]

I'm wishing you a happy week and wishing your plan[…]

That’s awesome! I just checked mine (sown 4/[…]

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