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First Venus Fly Trap

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:44 am
by madfox95
Hello all!

I finally acquired my first ever venus fly trap and I am completely new to all this and to flowers too. I have read about the care and such and to my luck it seems simple!

But could anybody be so kind and say what type of venus fly trap it is? Probably something most common and cheap, but hey, it's a start!

Thank you all in advance!

Re: First Venus Fly Trap

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:40 pm
by Shadowtski
Welcome to the forum!

Your plant looks pretty healthy.

Venus Flytraps are all one species, Dionaea muscipula. There are many named cultivars but these can only be reproduced by cloning.

If your Flytrap did not come with a cultivar name, it is referred to as a "Typical".

To keep your plant alive, healthy, and thriving for many years, check out Matt's informative articles at this link.

Matt is the forum owner and a Flytrap expert. He also runs an online store, selling Flytraps.

Me, I'm just a Sundew guy. Drosera is my plant of choice.

Good growing,

Re: First Venus Fly Trap

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:51 pm
by madfox95
Thank you for the warm welcome!

Glad to know it looks healthy, I have tried to look for months for one specimen like this in Estonia, but the only one which I managed to find was all rotten and black - and still on sale in shop! Thankfully my family travelled to Latvia and managed to get me this and surprised me with this one here today.

Thank you for all the information! :)

PS: Drosera looks awfully nice too, should get it, one day, in a bit of a distant future probably.

Re: First Venus Fly Trap

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:58 pm
by Shadowtski
madfox95 wrote:Thank you for the warm welcome!

Glad to know it looks healthy, I have tried to look for months for one specimen like this in Estonia, but the only one which I managed to find was all rotten and black - and still on sale in shop! Thankfully my family travelled to Latvia and managed to get me this and surprised me with this one here today.

Thank you for all the information! :)

PS: Drosera looks awfully nice too, should get it, one day, in a bit of a distant future probably.
The forum has a list of online CP sources.
Here is a direct link to that post.

Good growing,

Re: First Venus Fly Trap

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 2:26 pm
by Big-Jack
Good looking Typical. Funny how the VFT went from such a small range in nature to being domesticated worldwide by hobbyists just because it is so darn interesting to own and observe without having any real practical use.