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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

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By xr280xr
Posts:  2807
Joined:  Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:29 pm
I took a couple days vacation and hadn't checked on my flytraps closely and this morning noticed one that had been doing great, is now almost totally black. Some of the still dying leaves have a translucency to them. Do you recognize what's happening? I cut a flower stalk off several weeks ago, maybe it got an infection? All of the black in the center was green as of last Thursday. It seems to be blackening from the center -> out. That sounds like rot but it's in a 8" tall pot that I water from the bottom and the top layer never even gets moist.
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By Matt
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xr280xr wrote:It seems to be blackening from the center -> out.
That would be indicative or rhizome rot.
xr280xr wrote:That sounds like rot but it's in a 8" tall pot that I water from the bottom and the top layer never even gets moist.
Hmm, yeah, that would likely prevent rot. Sometimes, after flowering, a flytrap will partially die (one part of the rhizome) and then start growing several new flytraps from the dead/dying parts. Perhaps that's what's happening in this case...
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By xr280xr
Posts:  2807
Joined:  Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:29 pm
I can't imagine it being rot induced by moisture.
Sometimes, after flowering, a flytrap will partially die (one part of the rhizome) and then start growing several new flytraps from the dead/dying parts. Perhaps that's what's happening in this case...
1. Even if the flower stalk was cut off so it didn't actually flower, you think? 2. Notice it was growing a new leaf out of the center that died off too. It was growing large traps and had seemed so healthy. I've never seen leaves die quite like this either. Thanks, Matt.
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