FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By Dewy the Sundew
Posts:  292
Joined:  Sat May 14, 2016 6:14 am
Drosera: Capillaris, filiformis, paradoxa, scorpioides(dying), allantostigma, burmanii, adelae, spatulata, tokaiensis, Indica, Capensis(broad leaved), nidiformis( revived from roots),
Sarracenia: Sarracenia alata(baby), Purpurea,psittacina and leucophylla.
Nepenthes: Veitchii x platychilla, Ventrata, hookeriana and a miranda(not sure about the species)and a truncata.
Byblis: Rorida
Venus flytraps: 2 venus flytraps.
Pinguicula: P.wesser and a missing I.D butterwort
Heliamphora: Minor
Ultricularia: U.gibba, U.graminifolia.
Others: stylidium debile trigger plant, various none carnivorous plants.

Yes sir the filiformis floridana OP is ok, and Mix[…]

Hello again from Florida


Weird Pitchers, advice?

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Order received. Your order number is 1671. I'll PM[…]

Order received. Your order number is 1670. I'll PM[…]

Hey everyone! I'm back on my hunt to look for a d[…]

New cultivar potential?

For its stout leaves and proportionately large t[…]

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