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By Alvin 415
Posts:  301
Joined:  Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:53 pm
ceph 20150907 4.jpg
ceph 20150907 4.jpg (123.32 KiB) Viewed 11617 times
jamban 20150907 2.jpg
jamban 20150907 2.jpg (59.35 KiB) Viewed 11617 times
Adrian Slack 20151016.jpg
Adrian Slack 20151016.jpg (102.56 KiB) Viewed 11455 times

N. jamban
N. jamban
N jamban Web Small.jpg (24.56 KiB) Viewed 12743 times
N. jamban growth after 10 months.
N. jamban growth after 10 months.
jamban 20150908.jpg (343.38 KiB) Viewed 11598 times
sandersonii blue 20150901.jpg
sandersonii blue 20150901.jpg (59.72 KiB) Viewed 11676 times
B52 20150901.jpg
B52 20150901.jpg (54.64 KiB) Viewed 11675 times
minor 20151026.jpg
minor 20151026.jpg (83.42 KiB) Viewed 11395 times


cephs sun.jpg
cephs sun.jpg (50.78 KiB) Viewed 10290 times
***I do not have any plants to sell or trade.***

Cephalotus follicularis
Hummer's Giant (Charles Brewer)
Bubble Giant (Dick Chan)
Queen Mary (Colorado Carnivorous Plant Society)
Hampshire Black. (Colorado Carnivorous Plant Society)
Triffid Albany Black. (Colorado Carnivorous Plant Society)
Double Ribbed (Jcal/Dennis Hastings RIP)
Squat (Jcal/Dennis Hastings RIP)
Phil Mann (Jcal/Jerry Jackson RIP)
Brewer's Red (Jcal/Charles Brewer)
Coal Mine Beach
Seed Grown (Jcal)
OG 03_u (Brian Lipinski)
J.T. Ag3 1997 TC (Oudean's Willow Creek Nursery)
Daniella (California Carnivores)
UC Davis clone (Brian Lipinski)

Adrian Slack (California Carnivores)
Leo Song (California Carnivores)
Yellow Jacket
Fat Chance
Leah Wilkerson (Raccoon Ridge Nursery)
Doreen's Colossus (Raccoon Ridge Nursery)

Dionaea muscipula
Alien (Flytrap Store)
B52 (FTR)
B52 x Ginormous (California Carnivores)
Big Mouth (California Carnivores)
Coquillage (California Carnivores)
Cross Teeth (California Carnivores)
Cupped Trap (California Carnivores)
DC-XL (Flytrap Store)
Fused Tooth (California Carnivores)
Ginormous (California Carnivores)
Gremlin (California Carnivores)
King Henry (Carnivero)
Maroon Monster (FTR)
Low Giant (California Carnivores)
UK Sawtooth
BCP 1343-01 (Best Carnivorous Plants)
BCP 1343-02 (Best Carnivorous Plants)
BCP 1343-08 (Best Carnivorous Plants)

D. binata (California Carnivores)
D. dichotoma 'Giant' (California Carnivores)
D. regia (California Carnivores)
D. Southern Cross (anglica x tracyi) (California Carnivores)
D. 'California Sunset' (California Carnivores)
D. x 'Carburup' (California Carnivores)
D. intermedia x capillaris (California Carnivores)
D. zigzagia (California Carnivores)
D. cistiflora 'purple flower' (California Carnivores)
D. spatulata Hong Kong (California Carnivores)

U. sandersonii 'Blue' (California Carnivores)

Darlingtonia californica

Heliamphora minor (California Carnivores)

Nepenthes Species:
N. hamata - (Ron Dudek)
N. jamban (California Carnivores)
N. lowii - BE-3100 (Carnivero)

Nepenthes Hybrids:
N. [(lowii x veitchii) x boschiana] x trusmadiensis (Exotica Plants) (Carnivero)
N. spathulata x platychila
N. spathulata x (sibuyanensis x ventricosa)
N. (spathulata x spectabilis) x aristolochioides
N. truncata D "Red Flush" (Exotica Plants) (Carnivero)
N. spathulata x glabrata (Predatory Plants)
N. miranda (Predatory Plants)
N. veitchii highland x boschiana
N. truncata
N. maxima x veitchii
N. spectabilis x ventricosa BE-3560 (Carnivero)
N. aristolochioides x (ventricosa 'Red' x talangensis) SG
N. sibuyanensis x aristolochiodes BE-3574 (California Carnivores)
N. spathulata x jacquelineae BE-3544 (California Carnivores)
Last edited by Alvin 415 on Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:06 pm, edited 223 times in total.
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By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
Wow! Nice list of the large VFTs, ceph, and Neps!
By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
Oh wow. :shock: Those are some spectacular neps! Great cephalotus too. How long have you been growing them? Do you use a terrarium?
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By Alvin 415
Posts:  301
Joined:  Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:53 pm
katya_dog1 wrote:Oh wow. :shock: Those are some spectacular neps! Great cephalotus too. How long have you been growing them? Do you use a terrarium?
Thanks! I only recently got interested in tropical pitchers because of my daughter's interest in them. My primary interest is in flytraps. However, I do find neps slowly moving towards that #1 spot. :D

No terrarium. On a shelf, under grow lights, next to a window. Plastic egg crate serves as a humidity tray.
By bvalente
Posts:  892
Joined:  Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:58 pm
The Ceph is very pretty! I like your list of VFT cultivars, however I still find myself partial to VFT over any other CP's :) Ceph's are beginning to grow on me though
By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
bvalente wrote: I like your list of VFT cultivars, however I still find myself partial to VFT over any other CP's :)
Ahh, you need some more sarracenia. :)
By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
Alvin 415 wrote:
katya_dog1 wrote:Oh wow. :shock: Those are some spectacular neps! Great cephalotus too. How long have you been growing them? Do you use a terrarium?
Thanks! I only recently got interested in tropical pitchers because of my daughter's interest in them. My primary interest is in flytraps. However, I do find neps slowly moving towards that #1 spot. :D

No terrarium. On a shelf, under grow lights, next to a window. Plastic egg crate serves as a humidity tray.
Great! Now I know how those beautiful pitchers are grown.
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By Alvin 415
Posts:  301
Joined:  Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:53 pm
We picked up a hamata at the Pacific Orchid Expo last night. Pic added. Great plant from Drew at Carnivero.

The Expo is all weekend long. Worth the visit.

Carnivero and Predatory Plants are both there, and have some great stuff.
Last edited by Alvin 415 on Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
Sorry for asking this question again, but I'd like to be a bit more specific.

So you're growing on an open shelf. Could you give me an approximation of Day/Night temps and relative humidity? I notice in the pictures that the Jamban is wet. Do you mist to help them along?

And last but not least, what type of lighting do you use? Thanks for any answer, I find myself more and more interested in Nepenthes, and Hamata is near the top of the list. :)

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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