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By Dubstep13
Posts:  1165
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 9:15 pm
really? cus that vft doesnt look burnt.... usualy the edges get black or red or brown
that plant looks like its been starved of light and is growing fat thin long leaves to get whatever light it can... if u give it direct sunlight it will burn..
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By Matt
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Dubstep13 wrote:really? cus that vft doesnt look burnt.... usualy the edges get black or red or brown
Right, I agree. Looks to me like the plant is just light starved and had been growing in very humid conditions before being put in conditions with less humidity (causing the leave sot curl).
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By FlyTrapper1392
Posts:  149
Joined:  Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:32 am
Yeah, what I thought happened was they got burned due to the new incodessant "grow light" I was using. I realize it couln't have been light starved because I kept close to the same amount of light on it the whole time. It must be the humidity. At that time I had it in a terrarium with a lid, and an incondessant light puts out way more heat than a flourecent light, therefore making more humidity. Now I have all my plants ouside the terrarium and they hopfully will grow better now.
By Rhumbullion
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Joined:  Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:40 am
So I am now convinced that my plant is going in to dormancy. Oddly enough, it looked like the healthiest plant at the Nursery!

I have it on a shelf with my other vegetable plants and it is on the shelf that receives the most light. Should I move it down to where it gets less light, or will it be okay on the top shelf? Also, I do have some distilled water, but I am wondering if filtered water will work? We have a water filter thingy here and it would be so much easier to use that. Soon enough I will be able to collect rain water, though.
By Veronis
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You can and should leave it on the top shelf - I assume we're talking about sunlight, as opposed to artificial light?

Use distilled water, as filtered water (unless it is reverse-osmosis filtered) will very likely still have too many minerals in it that could eventually kill the flytrap.

If you want a full-time solution, you can invest in a reverse-osmosis filtration system if that's not already the filtration system you have now.
By cyph3r_gfy
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Your plant is likely going through a stress stage Rhumbullion. Repotting, new growing conditions just to name a couple... will cause stress and some die off. Keep an eye on it initially and look for new growth. All of my newest plants went through this: some lost a single trap and the rest lost around half or slightly more. It'll be slow going at first, and as your plant adjusts it should start regularly pushing up new growth. As long as you're watering properly, and giving it a decent amount of light it should adapt quite nicely. For my indoor artificial light VFTs, I adjust the light timer in accordance with sunset/sunrise for as close to a natural light cycle as possible.

If you're in the US... Dormancy shouldn't start for another month or so.
By Rhumbullion
Posts:  30
Joined:  Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:40 am
Veronis: It's artificial light. TruLite lights. I have them on about 8 hours a day (give or take, like Cyph3r, I pay attention to the daylight as best I can to match it) for the other plants.

I do not even know what reverse osmosis is. O_o Time to go look that up. We just have a water filter attached to the faucet.

I would agree Cyph3r both about stress and only partially about dormancy. Oregon has...weird weather. Though the sprouting cups are still alive. :D
By Lock
Posts:  170
Joined:  Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:42 pm
Okay, great thread! I'm really rushed right now and can't finish reading until later, but for right now I have one question: Veronis - What is the kind of plant in picture 1025091112b.jpg (the red plant in the first post)? Those colors look amazing! It's not an Akai Ryu clone, is it?

Gotta run. I'll be back later to finish reading. Thanks for any answers. -Lock

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