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Photos of carnivorous plants other than the Venus Flytrap

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By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
Nice Cephalotus! Need to get one myself, but I want to wait until I am sure I can keep it alive.

And then cobra lily and heliamphora and I will have all the pitcher plants!
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By chevyguy8893
Posts:  413
Joined:  Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:32 am
katya_dog1 wrote:Nice Cephalotus! Need to get one myself, but I want to wait until I am sure I can keep it alive.

And then cobra lily and heliamphora and I will have all the pitcher plants!
It seems to be starting a bit of a growth spurt, so I am hoping it will be filling out a lot more in the coming months. The ceph has been surprisingly easy to grow compared to what I had expected. It may just be the clone that I have though.

Be careful when you get a heli or ceph though, they will likely make you want more of them :D.
By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
chevyguy8893 wrote:
Be careful when you get a heli or ceph though, they will likely make you want more of them :D.
...And that's an expensive addiction!
By chevyguy8893
Posts:  413
Joined:  Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:32 am
The overcrowded terrarium
ImageDSC_0290 by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

Drosera brevifolia seedling coming along nicely
ImageDSC_0267. by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

Another larger pitcher growing on the S. leucophylla "red and white" x S. leucophylla "Avalon beach"
ImageDSC_0270 by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0271. by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

Drosera natalensis
ImageDSC_0275. by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

Drosera 'dreamsicle' that is bending towards the light (I ran out of space directly under the light)
ImageDSC_0278. by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageIMG_6311 by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0284. by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

Drosera intermedia
ImageIMG_6309 by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0295. by chevyguy8893, on Flickr
By chevyguy8893
Posts:  413
Joined:  Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:32 am
tish wrote:The plants are beautiful. They are well cared for when you were going. Is it on automatic or did someone take good care for your plants?

Sent from my SM-N9005
Thanks tish! Thankfully I had someone topping off the water in the trays each day, and the terrarium can go a few weeks without needing anything.
By tish
Posts:  2346
Joined:  Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:55 pm
chevyguy8893 wrote:
tish wrote:The plants are beautiful. They are well cared for when you were going. Is it on automatic or did someone take good care for your plants?

Sent from my SM-N9005
Thanks tish! Thankfully I had someone topping off the water in the trays each day, and the terrarium can go a few weeks without needing anything.
Ohh nice to know that! :)
By chevyguy8893
Posts:  413
Joined:  Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:32 am
I found that one of my VFT's started growing faster along with my D. filiformis, so it looks like I will have photos of those with new growth soon. I will say the D. filiformis and the Drosera 'dreamsicle' have some massive growth spurts coming out of dormancy. Hopefully that will be the last of the plants trying to emerge from dormancy early since I am out of space that has light. It should be the last of them since those were the only plants that seemed to go dormant early outdoors.

Here is my indoor growing area for the most part. It doesn't include the fridge partially taken up by dormant Sarracenia (that I recently started going through), or the other plants dormant on a cold windowsill. I'm certainly looking forward to digging a bog this year to free up space indoors for other plants. It really isn't as disorganized as it looks :).
ImageIndoor Growing Setup by chevyguy8893, on Flickr
By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
Love the setup, especially those birds on that poster in the background! ;)
By chevyguy8893
Posts:  413
Joined:  Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:32 am
katya_dog1 wrote:Love the setup, especially those birds on that poster in the background! ;)
Thanks! That poster has been helpful in identifying some of the many birds that migrate through the area :).
ps3isawesome wrote:is that your kitchen?
Nope, it is the basement, though some plants in the kitchen would be nice :D. The counter and cabinets were cut wrong and they were just going to be trashed, so they were free. It has made for a nice work space.
By chevyguy8893
Posts:  413
Joined:  Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:32 am
There has been a noticeable increase in growth rate across my larger Sarracenia seedlings, along with increasingly larger pitchers each time :). It definitely didn't take much time to notice an increase in the growth after the change to the fertilization.

ImageS. leucophylla "red and white" x S. leucophylla "Avalon beach" by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageS. psittacina by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageSarracenia sp. (Jerry Addington hybrid) by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageS. flava by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageS. okee giant x S. "blood moon" by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0402 by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageDrosera intermedia by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageHeliamphora minor by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageCephalotus follicularis by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageS. (alata black x flava red tube) x (evendine x flava) by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageDrosera intermedia by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageS. purpurea by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageDrosera 'dreamsicle' by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0378. by chevyguy8893, on Flickr

ImageDSC_0411. by chevyguy8893, on Flickr
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