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By Matt
Posts:  22524
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
As far as I can tell, sphagnum is fairly easy to take care of. It will burn if it gets too hot or too dry, but if you keep it cool, moist and give it a lot of light, it seems to do well.
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By linton
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Tap water with a high salt content will kill your moss fast.

You can tell if your moss is not getting enough moisture as it will bleach to a white color.
If it is getting too hot and burnt the ends will turn a brown color.
Salt damage is indicated by a crusty off white buildup on the tips of the moss.
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By Matt
Posts:  22524
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
linton wrote:Tap water with a high salt content will kill your moss fast.
Ooops, forgot to mention that. I was assuming that you were growing it with your CPs and taking care of it the same way. Yes, water with a high TDS measurement is a big no-no for sphagnum.

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Hi from FNQ.

Welcome dude!!

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Ok. Thank you very much, everyone!

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