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Discussions on how to propagate your plants sexually and asexually, by seed, natural division or leaf pulling

Moderator: Matt

By Krisshawnee
Posts:  26
Joined:  Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:19 am
Well, and growing in general as far as most things. Though the seeds is what I'm interested in at this moment. I just got my seeds (and plants) from Matt (Oodles of thanks to him and his wife, they were WONDERFULLY packaged and are in great condition.). I have a few questions in regards to growing from seed.

Yes, I've read the caresheet. But I still have a few questions.
1.) What's the best media for them? Same as the adults? Or something different?
2.) As I won't be growing them under artificial light, would it be better to start them now? (I live in West Virginia...) Or wait a bit? I'm concerned it might not be quite warm enough yet to get them to germinate well... but if I wait until later, I'm concerned the sun might get too hot on them.
3.) I went with the containers much like is on the caresheet for germination chamber, are there any tips I should know in regards to that? I see on the caresheet that the humidity should be high so would use the lid. Given the time of year, is it likely the sun would make it TOO hot with the clear plastic? (mind you the sun isn't very strong right now here in West Virginia... not a whole lot of heat behind it.) And how much space do I need to make sure I leave between the media and the lid?

I'm sure there are other questions.. but those are a good start!
By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
Hi there , as I dont have one of Matts care sheets to see as I live in South Australia can only say what I do .
would think our temps are much hotter than yours at any time and I grow my VFt's out side in the sun all year !!, they mainly get sun from 10 am to late afternoon in some times over 40 c heat that 110F ++to 120f at times or more ok :mrgreen:
just put your seed on the same mix you grow you plants on will be ok , I use sphag peat and sand mix for mine .60 /40 mix
I have my seeds in my green house usually where the humidity is up to 70 % + most days and 90% or more at night .so dont use a container with a lid.
here spring is best for germination for VFT's , would think it would be the same there after winter hibernation , germination should occur in spring naturally .
if the humidity is a problem a lid will be fine may be a few small air holes can be in place or dont put the lid on strait but off set it may be !! or have a higher container with a lid on to decrease the heat if you feel this is a issue , but very much dough it !!
half fill your container will be enough for seedlings keep mix very moist not overly wet and certainly not dry ok
these plant grow out side naturally so may be look up the weather where they grow on the net and see what temps and rain and humidity is in there natural habitat and try to get as close that as possible !! is how I try to grow most of my Cp's
hope that helps a bit , cause every where is different and most people will have different growing conditions to contend with you may need to find what works for you with a little trail and error !! different spots in a area will produce a different micro climates , some plants like a little more sun other not so if the plant is burning move it to less light , if is spindly and very green looking a bit weak more sun is needed or poor water quality may be ECT observation is good too
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