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Discussions on how to propagate your plants sexually and asexually, by seed, natural division or leaf pulling

Moderator: Matt

By GardenNub
Posts:  176
Joined:  Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:01 am
So as some of you may have read before, I ordered a drosera venusta and it came in good condition with a flower stalk growing. Though I think it is currently dormant?, because it does not have any dew forming and the light it is getting is just from my window and it is currently winter. Ive been told I can leave the stalk or cut it off. Now, is this a good species for propagating from flower stalk? If so, how would I go about doing this...everything i have found so far is about propagating from leaf cuttings. Thanks!
By jht-union
Posts:  3205
Joined:  Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:43 pm

Have you read this?, this has everything you need:
Drosera venusta don't go dormant, but you can still give them lower temps of about 50F or lower and they will come back from the roots, venusta will do fine in temps of 80F.
and yes, droseras are propagated faster in this way,(with pullings as well, if you want to have a lot, this will be the faster way, but if you want it to grow faster, then with pullings/cuttings), drosera seeds germinate fast, and they become weedy, your plant will self pollinate, then it might take about 1 month maybe 1month and half, unntil the flower is totally dark, and the flower stalk starts to darken as well, that's when you need to take the seeds, this can be done by carefully putting a piece of paper where the seeds in the flower cage(sorry i don't know the term(the bud) fall, and then take them inside immediatly, drosera seeds are really really really small, they are the size of a dust particle, even when breathing, they could fly away, so be very careful, if it has about 3-2 or more flower buds, then you will have somewhere about 300 seeds maybe.
Your plant is loosing the dew because the energy is going to the flower stalk, so don't worry, when its done producing the seeds it will have lots of dew again!
Can you post a pic as well!
Hope this anwer your question! :)

Good luck!
jht-union liked this
By GardenNub
Posts:  176
Joined:  Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:01 am
Ahh thankyou very much. For some reason i keep forgetting about that site. Anway, its not that its losing dew, it just never had any when I received it. Hopefully when i get my light(prob within a week) i can make it think its spring already and give it lots of light. Im thinkin like at least 14 hours a day. Anyway heres a pic of it as of 1 minute ago...
By jht-union
Posts:  3205
Joined:  Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:43 pm
it looks good, probably is still with little shock, give it one more week, the media looks good to me, it doesn't look like really wet, it looks just moist to wet, so pat on the back!(that's what i see)
Try giving lots of sunlight now, or artificial, probably is not putting dew too because of course the energy is going to the flower stalk, and is not receiving enough sunlight, sounds like the only thing you need to do is add more light!!

Good luck!=)
By GardenNub
Posts:  176
Joined:  Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:01 am
YAY! lol. And idk if you were following my other thread but i just ordered a 2 ft 4 bulb t5-high output light. technically 8000 lumens! but its only rated at 6500 lumens.
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