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By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am

Sphagnum moss - what a great plant this is, so versatile and easy to grow in your green house, it has so many healthy attributes for your CP's, we have had many discussions at our CP society, about the great aspects of this plant and its versatility to be able to grow so many cp's in it. We believe that it helps to keep your plant healthy, as it seems to keep a lot of pests away from the plant, one member described it as liking it to having antibiotics for you plant when growing them in it, now we know that can not be, but with my growing experience and many others, in our society have had such success with this as a growing medium ,I thought I may tell who wants to listen, that this is truly a great plant or moss or medium however you want to put it, that aids in the health of your plants.

I have use many many different mediums, just about every thing that I could think of, to grow my plants in, and experience of others that have tried different mediums, one benefit of being in a CP society!! With some members having 20 to 30 years of growing experience, you only need 5 or 6 people like these and you have 100 to 150 or more years of experience to gain knowledge from, we observed that this is only medium that will not affect or inhibit the growth of the CP's in general is Sphagnum moss, if kept in a healthy growing state, now to suggest that you grow every plant in sphagnum moss is just silly!! And not the point I am suggesting, but what I am suggesting is, if you have a plant that may be struggling or not copping in the potting mix you have chosen try live sphagnum moss.

I now grow all bar 6 or 7 or so nepenthes out of the 400 plus plants I grow, in pure live sphagnum moss, no added materials like perlite or vermiculite or any other substantiates. No need, it don’t need any of them , sphagnum is just good enough on its own ,I have made some wood surrounds on my steel mesh benches, and put down weed matting, and placed live sphagnum moss down as a bed of moss, and place the nepenthe pots in it , this is growing all around the pots, and the pitchers that sit in the sphagnum grow to much bigger size , as soon as they hit the sphagnum moss with the tendril they immediately produce the trap and do not extend the tendril any further, it all so has the benefit of increasing the humidity around the pots ,which the pitchers just love, in the wild you will find a lot of the nepenthes, larger pitches very close to the ground and on the ground in thick lush vegetation, being a lower pitcher and always being lager they thrive in the surrounding vegetation.

Well getting away from my topic , sphagnum moss, can pretty well grow any CP and find it hard to think of one that I have not been able to grow in it weather by accident or by choice, by accident I mean from seed that has been blown around in the greenhouse and germinated in the sphagnum moss. Plants I have grown in sphagnum moss that I can think of, Cephalotus, tuber drosera; sundews like capensis, spatulata, and many others similar; Nepenthe, VFT's, binata, red dragon, Marston dragon, multifida, pygmy's , D.adeae, pinguicula, Sarras, seedling mainly Darlingtonia, Heliamphora, and most in-between! They are not wet affected or have stunted growth! But its not all ways practical to keep them in it, like sarracenia that need to be outside the greenhouse and the sphagnum moss doesn’t cope too well with that , so some more traditional mix is needed., Cephalotus many others that benefit from being outside the greenhouse, sphagnum moss is not realistic ,now this is in South Australia! and may not apply to your conditions , but for me if I have a plant that is sick, or not doing so well ,try it in live sphagnum moss in the greenhouse with more sun, and usually it responds, not all ways, as some are too far gone or just will die, not no matter what you do!! But a high percentage do regain their growth back. It is also a good indicator of humidity and water content in your plant , the mosses colour changes ,if its green and lush and growing strongly you have your conditions just about right for nepenthes, if it starts to go off green or whitish color you need more water at the plant and or humidity is low, hope this is not too long and boring but its a great thing to have in your greenhouse.

Here are a few pictures.
showing the signs of needing water
showing the signs of needing water
P1090302.JPG (76.99 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
a large pitcher  sitting in  the moss
a large pitcher sitting in the moss
P1090301.JPG (78.15 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
3 pitcher at different stages  loving it in  the moss
3 pitcher at different stages loving it in the moss
P1090300.JPG (91.34 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
another pitcher  just  loving it  in the moss
another pitcher just loving it in the moss
P1090299.JPG (96.19 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
N.burbidgea Mt kinabalu Nov 2009 in the low vegetation
N.burbidgea Mt kinabalu Nov 2009 in the low vegetation
78.JPG (79.23 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
Nov 2009 in  the lower vegetation
Nov 2009 in the lower vegetation
82 Raja Mt kinabalu Nep. Garden.JPG (105.6 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
58 ventricosa x sibuyanensis x xtrusmadiensis.JPG
58 ventricosa x sibuyanensis x xtrusmadiensis.JPG (69.42 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
59 ventricosax cununculata vir.robusta.JPG
59 ventricosax cununculata vir.robusta.JPG (80.21 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
a tray of  live sphagnum moss  going VFT's, sundew's
a tray of live sphagnum moss going VFT's, sundew's
P1090193.JPG (105.14 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
some capensis  happily  growing  in  the sphagnum moss,
some capensis happily growing in the sphagnum moss,
P1090150.JPG (73.1 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
a large D. capensis in  the live sphagnum moss , this is not  planted but from seed  blown around in the green house
a large D. capensis in the live sphagnum moss , this is not planted but from seed blown around in the green house
P1090148.JPG (96.08 KiB) Viewed 56532 times
By JimsPlants
Posts:  449
Joined:  Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:41 am
I have to agree that sphagnum is a great plant and I love the look of it.

Your plants look to be growing great in it. What sort of humidity is your greenhouse at?
Whenever i try and grow the stuff it drys out at the top so i keep a lid on it.

I'll have to get some growing in my trays, does it help keep the water clear of algea?
Not growing too well.
Not growing too well.
10062010920.jpg (358.24 KiB) Viewed 56503 times
But this is really nice stuff and grows radpidly, i used it for some cuttings and its taking over.
But this is really nice stuff and grows radpidly, i used it for some cuttings and its taking over.
240620101101.jpg (389.95 KiB) Viewed 56503 times
By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
Hi James
its easy to see there ,one has the sphag growing ! the other not ,in your cobra box you have good light and humidity ,and the larger box a lot less light it would seem ,grow you shag in the same conditions as the cobras , in the larger container , take any peat or potting mix out and just put the live sphag in no thing else , dont let it get water logged !! may be have holes in the bottom of the container or a small distance between the water at the bottom and the sphag, so it dont keep so much water in the sphag its self, if you know what I mean , , give it at least 60% sun and humidity no less then 50% should work well , keep the lid on too, will help a lot till is gets going strongly, then it usually just goes its self, I also fertilise mine too with 10% foliate fertiliser it justs get it when I do the neps :) once a week or fortnight hope this help James
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By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
Hi Hayden .
Well to tell you the truth I had a lot of trouble with my plants over the years and just recently to changing the set up , mainly dew to low light factors, but with experienced people I know and some ingenuity I solved the problems and now yes its great to have a good growing collection , its not been easy and times I wanted to throw the towel in but stuck at it and now its paid off

cheers john
By moof
Posts:  1036
Joined:  Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:54 am
Thanks for sharing your experiences John! I grow my sphagnum moss almost flooded, lots of water and it grows like a weed in almost every conditions for me:mrgreen: just needs lots of humidity. I agree it's a great substrate, I grow some of my sundews, corkscrew plants and utrics in sphag moss

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By Steve_D
Posts:  3913
Joined:  Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:06 pm
akshat wrote:Do the sphagnum moss also need low TDS water around < 50ppm ?
Also do they need any medium (peat/ coco peat moss soil beneath it ?
In nature, sphagnum is watered with plenty of pure rainwater usually, so I use distilled, collected rain water, or reverse osmosis water myself. Perhaps someone else has used water with a higher percentage of total dissolved solids (TDS) to see whether there is any adverse affect (I would imagine there would be, but I don't know from personal experience).

Sphagnum moss has no roots and doesn't need to be planted in any medium. It just grows on top of itself and the older layers die as the green parts at top grow. :)
By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
yes Steve is correct , any high reading of salts or cems in the water will result in the moss turning to a green slime , the same will happen if frets to strong are used as well , avoid tap water of any description unless its the same quality as rain water , but very much dough that , only seen that in a place called Tasmania in Australia mountain area ! best water I have ever tasted in the world .
By jht-union
Posts:  3205
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I can't seem to get my moss to grow :(

I have a large pan with peat moss in the bottom and the LM on top, it is growing outdoors in this temps right now: 40F-22F, gets sunlight, but today i placed the pan in shade in the greenhouse and i put plastic on top to retain humidity, before that it was exposed to the open and received tons of light, which i think was the problem. I also have LV growing in a terrarium with neps, ceph, heli, droseras, tillandsias...etc, the moss is green, it looks good but is not making more moss. Am i supposed to cut the moss into pieces so that it reproduces?
Temps in terrarium: 70F-50F

Thanks! :)
By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
no keep it in largest clump you can is seems to work better all bunched up rather than spread out , well for me any how seems to generate of its self ,will work better in the G/h with higer humidty too and find about 60% sun was good more it slows off a lot , guess you will need to exteriment a bit ,find where is like it the best , low down too not mid hight range ok
Last edited by snapperhead51 on Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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