FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

Moderator: Matt

By firefighter75
Posts:  68
Joined:  Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:08 pm
I've been soaking the bulbs that were left all day. They're now a bit mushy and a light brown color. Hoping that's because they've been in water too long, but I believe they're shot. Moved what was left of my plants inside and I'm going to get a lamp with some HO bulbs tonight. I am now an indoor only grower...
By Andrew
Posts:  316
Joined:  Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:55 pm
firefighter75 wrote:I am now an indoor only grower...
If your plants were happy outdoors, then why dont you continue to grow them outdoors? All you need to do is buy some lumber, make a cage, and cover it in chicken wire.
By firefighter75
Posts:  68
Joined:  Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:08 pm
I'm going to have to bring them inside and put them in the attic with a grow lamp on a timer for dormancy anyway. Besides, all I have left are 3 of my Lowe's rescues and a crimson sawtooth. The little mean dude got all the other ones. I just replanted 5 bulbs. No idea which ones they are. Hopefully they come back. We'll see in a few months I guess.
By cat1560
Posts:  39
Joined:  Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:12 am
ya pull out the bb gun lol
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By salty
Posts:  198
Joined:  Mon May 17, 2010 11:30 am
THis is what I ended up doing after a squirrel ripped apart one of my flytraps. Not very pretty but they cant get in. The screen comes up a few inches above the pot so that the plants aren't too low.

In general, they like to be kept very moist to v[…]

Nepenthes pictures!

Nep Photos! N. Sanguinea, N. Vivid Machine, Nepent[…]

Hello. I recently acquired a hamata about 5 day[…]

I have also noticed that feeding speeds things up,[…]

bog garden

you could go to Lowe's instead and get BetterGr[…]

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Should I just leave them be?

I have these Bohemian Garnet's and a yet to be id'[…]

U. bisquamata


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