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By Jedikinigit
Posts:  110
Joined:  Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:35 pm
I am hoping to come up with a planting aesthetic that works for our backyard to make my current array of black plastic concrete tubs look better in a more visible area so I can enjoy seeing my plants all of the time while keeping my wonderful spouse happy. I am looking at deep large vases like are used to display plastic shrubs inside of houses as they can be had for a pretty reasonable price second hand. They are generally glazed ceramic and up to about 24 inches deep. Is this too deep to work well and will water get too stagnant in the bottom of the vase? I will probably give it a go as they are affordable and I have plants that I can try with and just replant if they aren't happy, but I figured someone on here might have direct experience. I would imagine pitchers probably have very deep root systems in the wild, but do not know for sure. I am specifically thinking about S. flava, alata, or leucophylla, or a mix of all of them. Cheers and Happy New Year!
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By andynorth
Posts:  1510
Joined:  Fri May 12, 2023 9:08 pm
I believe with ceramic pots you need to make sure to seal the hole on the bottom if it is not also glazed as this will leach bad stuff into the water. I have bought from a grower that uses the larger plastic/authentic whiskey barrel looking planter like that in the pic. I have some of these that I will be using come spring time for plants I either do not know what they are or that will look good aesthetically in the kid swimming pools I plan to use. I picked mine up at Lowe's on sale for like $4.00 each. I think I have at least 4 that I can use, if my wife does not beat me to them!!
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