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By fluffy123
Posts:  759
Joined:  Sat May 27, 2017 3:30 pm
All my temperate Sundews are going dormant by now. So can I start thinking of wrapping them with layers to leave them outside, or put them in the small greenhouse like last winter?

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By Jeeper
Posts:  405
Joined:  Sun Jul 01, 2018 3:47 am
It would help to know a location...

I'm in Wisconsin in a 5a/b area. I will most likely but using the refrigerator method again this year, although its getting harder and harder to do as my temperates grow and multiply...

If a cold frame worked for you last year my recommendation would be to use what isn't broken and do the same thing again. If you had some losses (a few are always expected, but not a lot...) then I would consider taking more action and looking at other methods...

Good Growing
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By fluffy123
Posts:  759
Joined:  Sat May 27, 2017 3:30 pm
My temperate Droseras in where put to the basement from the greenhouse in early February and then they died in there. The temperate Sundew I had outside was Drosera Filiformis spp Filiformis, and survived temperatures of 1 degree Fahrenheit.

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