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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By Venus Fly Trap Kid
Posts:  141
Joined:  Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:40 pm

I have like a plastic dome over my Venus Fly Trap seeds to keep high humidity.

Am i duin it right?

Because i heard if its moist and humid mold will appear but it says on the instructions to put like a bag or someting over it to keep high humidity what should i do? :?:
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By linton
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Hi and welcome to Flytrapcare. The dome over your plant is not necessary - it's primary function is to make shipping easier and to prevent damage to the plant. If you want to remove the dome it's best to raise it slowly over the course of a week or so to allow the plant to acclimatise to lower humidity. Your plant will be just fine if you place it in a saucer of pure water - this will keep the soil wet and keep the humidity up. Just make sure that you use either distilled, rainwater or reverse osmosis water on your plant as tap water can be toxic and eventually kill your plant.

Happy growing,
By italo.americano
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Venus Fly Trap Kid,

Welcome to flytrapcare and thank you for joining!

Go ahead and discard the dome but do it slowly over the course of a week like Linton said.
Domes have a tendency to cook your plants, especially in the summertime, and you run the risk of a fungal infection.
Although Dionaea require humidity, they will get enough just sitting in a pot of rain or distilled water.

I hope this help!

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By Matt
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Yep, ditch the dome. There is no need for it. It will just increase the chances of mold starting. I do keep the humidity artificially high for my seeds for a while, but once they germinate, there is no need to. Also, they will germinate just fine without artificially high humidity.
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By Steve_D
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Matt wrote:Yep, ditch the dome. There is no need for it. It will just increase the chances of mold starting. I do keep the humidity artificially high for my seeds for a while, but once they germinate, there is no need to. Also, they will germinate just fine without artificially high humidity.
For adult plants, no cover is necessary even if you live in a dry climate, so long as a plant is acclimated to the low humidity. In fact, as others have mentioned, a covering around and over the plants can be harmful. It traps light and heat and can easily bake and kill plants; also, as linton mentioned, the excessive humidity coupled with lack of fresh air can help fungal infections to form that may kill plants. But for seeds--

Like Matt, I keep the humidity high while the seeds are germinating, because I live in a very dry climate and because the seeds are sitting on the soil surface directly exposed to the air. So in my case, I use a plastic container with a lid. But if you live in a more humid environment that shouldn't be necessary.

If you do use a lid or covering of some kind, be sure to open it every day and fan the air above the container for a fresh air change. Also, as Giovanni mentioned, lids can cause heat to build up very fast inside containers, so keep it out of direct sunlight. Bright shade is fine; after all, the plants haven't really started to grow and photosynthesize much of their own food yet, but are using the stored food from the seed in the cotyledons (seed leaves).

Good luck--
Last edited by Steve_D on Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
By Venus Fly Trap Kid
Posts:  141
Joined:  Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:40 pm

Thanx for the answers.
Ive got a question when would the seeds germinate?
Today is their 5th day.
By Venus Fly Trap Kid
Posts:  141
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Thanx for all the replies. :)

This is the best forum! :D
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By linton
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Venus Fly Trap Kid wrote: I've got a question when would the seeds germinate?
I sowed some seed on the 10th of December and it took 5 weeks before I saw my first seedling.

There are more popping up every day now so don't give up on your seed - keep it very moist and humid and above all BE PATIENT!
By Venus Fly Trap Kid
Posts:  141
Joined:  Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:40 pm

Ill be patient :D .

Thanx for all the answers.

:D ;)
By Venus Fly Trap Kid
Posts:  141
Joined:  Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:40 pm

Today its their 2nd week and 1 day i cant w8 for them to germinate!!
By lemonlily
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You can be patient and wait. And keep the humidity high!

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