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By KategoricalKarnivore
Posts:  1769
Joined:  Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:00 pm
Oh man what a beautiful sight. The sun is finally shining bright over us. I haven't seen the sun since Friday. It has rained nonstop for the last 6 days. We made it through. Thank goodness.

I'd like to give a huge thanks to everyone that has helped my fellow Texans even in the smallest way. There are so many doing so much right now. Thank you.

I don't usually ask for anything from anyone. I'm not that kind of person. But there are many many people that need help here. Anything you could do to help would be greatly appreciated. The smallest gesture can have a huge impact. Whether money, clothes, food, your time, or whatever else you have to spare we could sure use it. There are so many that have lost everything. Including members of my family. Thank you to everyone that has given anything and to all of those that will give. You are lifesavers.
By saltyop
Posts:  192
Joined:  Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:57 pm
ya boi is in Texas too and our schools are always involved with charities and such, doing anything to help. glad to see that you made it :D
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By KategoricalKarnivore
Posts:  1769
Joined:  Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:00 pm
Fly Trap Hunter wrote:Dustin you were right in the middle of it.
Yeah I was. And still am really. We can't go anywhere because all the roads in and out are flooded. Walmart is just about cleaned out. No gas anywhere. People are still being rescued by boats all around me. The city of Beaumont is about to run out of water because all the pumps are underwater. If the city runs out they will probably do a mandatory evacuation. That's a city of over 100 thousand.
By twitterglitter
Posts:  253
Joined:  Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:44 pm
I'm so glad you are okay. My husband and I will be donating some money tomorrow to help out our Texas neighbors. It is just so awful.
I know a lot of us here in Tennessee are keeping all of you in our thoughts, and our hearts go out to you. Keep safe and dry!

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By Fishman
Posts:  867
Joined:  Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:16 pm
All thoughts and prayers go to my fellow Texans in the South. So glad it's over. Now the rebuilding process begins. I will get to be a part of it, and I'm glad to lend a hand to those in need. Stay strong
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By mballard3513
Posts:  36
Joined:  Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:51 am
Oh man! 40$ for a pack of water hope everyone is alright. I skipped getting any new plants this paycheck so I could help a little. It's heartbreaking to watch. Also signed up to volunteer at an animal shelter local to me that's taking animals from Texas.

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By Orit
Posts:  287
Joined:  Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:36 am
glad to hear you're okay. my heart goes out to those that aren't. keeping an eye on Irma and hoping she goes away.
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Hello from Arkansas!

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