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Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers

Moderator: Matt

By Hungry Plants
Posts:  1134
Joined:  Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:41 am
Looks a bit big to me. but if you want to try it. If you wont to know if its safe just put some in a bole and pore some white vinegar in. If it fizzes it's no good.
By Fly Trap Hunter
Posts:  746
Joined:  Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:56 am
that's great. thanks for the vinegar trick. I will try that. its super windy here and I need to weigh my plants down. I'm using maybe 1/6th sand, maybe a little extra in bottom of pot
By Fly Trap Hunter
Posts:  746
Joined:  Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:56 am
Branmuffin wrote:Quartz is silica just fyi
I meant to reply to this a long time ago. Yes. beach sand is silica-quartz- sand. I just figured beach sand was full of salt and other minerals. I didn't think "well, they probably just dug it up off somebody elses beach or river bed. And that sand has minerals in it too." I thought I could buy fresh clean ready to use sand. I'm just naïve. :oops: I really need a water meter.

I went out and scooped up some sand and it is super fine compared to the purchased sand. The purchased sand is crushed quartz. I'm beginning to rethink rain barrels. I need a lot of water. :shock:

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