FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Freebies, raffles, etc. for plants or growing supplies

Moderator: Matt

By hollyhock
Posts:  5658
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
Okay folks. Time to bring back some fun and positive vibes to the community. Nothing does that better than a fun giveaway with of course a fabulous prize :D
Here are the rules to participate
1. 25 thank you posts
2. You have hosted a giveaway or donated to the seed bank or give me your promise that you will within 6 months of winning.
3. You are helpful and respectful of all members
Not to many rules. :lol:
Okay the exact prize is a mystery for now, but I can tell you it is a top shelf kind of giveaway. Might be a cephalotus, Heliamphora, vft cultivar, Sarracenia, California Darlington, Nepenthes, pinguicula or Drosera. I am going to let the winner pick the species type that they would like to add to their collection.
U.S. residents only
Winner agrees to pay shipping.
GIVEAWAY ends in one week.
Sign up below in the standard way
Good luck my forum friends.
hollyhock, hollyhock, hollyhock and 1 others liked this
By KategoricalKarnivore
Posts:  1769
Joined:  Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:00 pm
1) Shadowtski with a grinning dog to brighten your day! Thank you!
2: KK Thanks L. You rock!
By Hungry Plants
Posts:  1134
Joined:  Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:41 am
1) Shadowtski with a grinning dog to brighten your day! Thank you!
2) KK Thanks L. You rock!
3) erikHIplants - you always have the best giveaways Hollyhock! Thanks!
4) HeliamWalnut thank you so much! Too generous of you
5) Hungry Plants. I see your dog and raise you a frog :D
By mouthstofeed
Posts:  477
Joined:  Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:07 am
1) Shadowtski with a grinning dog to brighten your day! Thank you!
2) KK Thanks L. You rock!
3) erikHIplants - you always have the best giveaways Hollyhock! Thanks!
4) HeliamWalnut thank you so much! Too generous of you
5) Hungry Plants. I see your dog and raise you a frog :D
6) mouthstofeed hollyhock for ftc president?
mouthstofeed liked this
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By boarderlib
Posts:  1641
Joined:  Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:13 pm
1) Shadowtski with a grinning dog to brighten your day! Thank you!
2) KK Thanks L. You rock!
3) erikHIplants - you always have the best giveaways Hollyhock! Thanks!
4) HeliamWalnut thank you so much! Too generous of you
5) Hungry Plants. I see your dog and raise you a frog :D
6) mouthstofeed hollyhock for ftc president?
7)boarderlib- thank you hollyhock! Image you played my card hungryplantsImage
By twitterglitter
Posts:  253
Joined:  Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:44 pm
1) Shadowtski with a grinning dog to brighten your day! Thank you!
2) KK Thanks L. You rock!
3) erikHIplants - you always have the best giveaways Hollyhock! Thanks!
4) HeliamWalnut thank you so much! Too generous of you
5) Hungry Plants. I see your dog and raise you a frog 
6) mouthstofeed hollyhock for ftc president?
7)boarderlib- thank you hollyhock!
8) twitterglitter...Thank you for the chance!

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By Smooter80
Posts:  1038
Joined:  Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:33 pm
1) Shadowtski with a grinning dog to brighten your day! Thank you!
2) KK Thanks L. You rock!
3) erikHIplants - you always have the best giveaways Hollyhock! Thanks!
4) HeliamWalnut thank you so much! Too generous of you
5) Hungry Plants. I see your dog and raise you a frog 
6) mouthstofeed hollyhock for ftc president?
7)boarderlib- thank you hollyhock!
8) twitterglitter...Thank you for the chance!
9) Smooter80...under protest. ;)
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