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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

Moderator: Matt

By mistyamh
Posts:  6
Joined:  Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:41 am
I got this from a store and I've had it about 2 weeks done a lot of research i fed it baby crickets and they were very small. Ehat should I do now that some of my traps are dying, when should and how should I remove them? And how do I make sure my plant continues to live and grow more. I had just transplanted before and after so you can see the traps and some new growth. Thank you all.ImageImage

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By Sukielol
Posts:  23
Joined:  Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:37 am
I am also a bit of a noob myself but this is what I can tell you. If you just now transplanted it, give it a few days to adjust to its new environment. Keep a eye on it to see if it stops getting worse. Make sure it gets lots of sunlight and don't worry too much on feeding it. In fact, I would try to avoid feeding it if it's still getting worse. The black leaves should be ignored since there's basically no chance of them surviving. Your plant may be sacrificing those leaves to save energy for itself as it may be sick or suffering from some kind of shock. Speaking of shock, don't expect immediate results of the plant getting better as you changing the container may have giving it a root transplant shock. Can I ask you what water your using? What kind of soil is in the container? Did you wash out that container?
By mistyamh
Posts:  6
Joined:  Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:41 am
I washed out the contained using distilled water. I bought soil from the place that sells the plants and washed the soil itself out 4 times with distilled water as it said. They started to die after I fed them. And i just changed it today and they've been dying for about a week or so.

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By mistyamh
Posts:  6
Joined:  Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:41 am
But i also have a good amount of new growth and I keep the soil damp not wet or dry

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By riveraXVX
Posts:  1099
Joined:  Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:29 am
what is the soil you used? name/brand? where from? what does it have in it?
By Sukielol
Posts:  23
Joined:  Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:37 am
mistyamh wrote:I bought soil from the place that sells the plants and washed the soil itself out 4 times with distilled water as it said. They started to die after I fed them. And i just changed it today and they've been dying for about a week or so.
Is this soil normal garden soil you use for all gardens? Or is this peat/sphagnum moss? Tell me the name or brand and check the ingredients. If there's something like chemicals and fertilizer, you should get your plant out of that soil.
By saltyop
Posts:  192
Joined:  Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:57 pm
one thing I wanna mention is the sunlight, flytraps love sunlight but its a store bought so you might want to acclimate it to the sun over time, 30 mins to as much direct sun in the course of a week to a month.

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