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By BorisWagner9694
Posts:  12
Joined:  Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:43 pm
I have been considering purchasing an epyphitic utricularia (u. alpina) but I am some what confused about dormancy. I read that you should keep the soil slightly damp but I am confused when it comes to temperature requirements. Do I raise the temperature or do I lower them during dormancy. Would love to hear your advice

By w03
Posts:  393
Joined:  Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:46 am
U. alpina doesn't exactly -need- dormancy, but it will go dormant if you dry it out. Just keep it in normal growth conditions year round and it should be fine. I have gotten them to go dormant before without any temperature change; moisture seems to be most important.

AFAIK the only epiphytic utric that has an absolutely necessary dormancy is U. endresii, and -maybe- U. mannii.
Hello again from Florida


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