FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

Moderator: Matt

By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
...or at least I think so! I noticed this little guy just yesterday and at first was worried it might be dying but at the base it's growing a little trap which is bright red. It's the same age as the others which so far are all green so I think this one possibly inherited some sort of trait/gene from its parent(s)!
Can't wait to see how this one will grow and how the other's traps will turn out! :D
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By Fishkeeper
Posts:  821
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
That looks promising, nice! Update later when it has a few leaves, please, preferably with comparison shots of the others. I'd like to see the difference.
By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
Fishkeeper wrote:That looks promising, nice! Update later when it has a few leaves, please, preferably with comparison shots of the others. I'd like to see the difference.
Yes, it's pretty cool! Sure, I'd love to!
By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
Just took these when I got home.
The leaves have gotten out of the seed cap, and the trap that is growing is almost maroon in color, or a very dark red.
I also notice another seed (didn't take a pic) that has a nub of a sprout coming out the end, and it looks green and white, but with a red stripe down it. Possibly another one!
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By Randall
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I know this goes without​ saying but please keep us posted! I really would like to see the updates throughout the trip to maturity.
By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
Randall wrote:I know this goes without​ saying but please keep us posted! I really would like to see the updates throughout the trip to maturity.
Sure, will do! I'm so happy people also want to see it! :)
By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
Here we are, sorry I haven't been updating very frequently :P

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I'm starting to wonder if it might have some sort of special teeth too? They look somehow more unique/different from the other flytraps, almost like they're more spikey? What do you think?
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By Fishkeeper
Posts:  821
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
Very hard to tell for certain on such tiny babies, but those do look like longer, darker-colored teeth. Keep us updated!
Fishkeeper liked this
By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
_-SphagnumFromHell-_ wrote:Nice seedling. Is this post dead or are you going to continue to update it?
Thank you. Well it's been dead for a while, and I have taken so many pictures of my plants since then it's just ridiculous to sort through them all- there's so many. I do have ones more recently though, it's changed and grown a lot. I'll post them, since you seem interested.
This was from October:

And this is when I repotted it along with all my other flytraps, a few weeks back. The one in the middle and on the bottom right are not ones I grew from a seed, the rest are though. There are two maroon seedlings.


Finally, this I took just now of it. The pot was outdoors for a while where they all got plenty of sun and it darkened beautifully

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By _-SphagnumFromHell-_
Posts:  702
Joined:  Mon May 28, 2018 5:02 pm
Shelilla wrote:
_-SphagnumFromHell-_ wrote:Nice seedling. Is this post dead or are you going to continue to update it?
Thank you. Well it's been dead for a while, and I have taken so many pictures of my plants since then it's just ridiculous to sort through them all- there's so many. I do have ones more recently though, it's changed and grown a lot. I'll post them, since you seem interested.
Thanks for the update. That looks like a lovely plant with very nice color to it. Happy growing.
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Amazing as always, wish it had color though ;)

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