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Discuss water requirements, "soil" (growing media) and suitable planting containers

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By rc_osu
Posts:  3
Joined:  Tue May 16, 2017 8:05 pm
This may have been asked before, but has anyone tried to build a container for their VFT based on the DuneCraft LED terrarium?

To provide some backstory, I bought my VFT from Lowe's on a whim, and found that my office didn't have enough light for it to grow. Because of reasons, I'm unable to set up much lighting so I found the DuneCraft thing and bought it for the lights. To this extent, it's working great. The plant has new growth, the wilting has gone away, and new traps are forming. The only problem is that it's too small The set up doesn't look particularly complicated, so I'm wondering if anyone has tried to create something similar as a DIY project where they have posted instructions or pictures.

I tried doing a search but couldn't quite find the answers I wanted. If no one knows, perhaps I'll try to figure something out but I'm not the most handy person around, so it may take me a while!
By Vew
Posts:  7
Joined:  Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:36 pm
I've always questioned if those "micro" LEDs were strong enough. I use a powerful LED grow light assembly (300watt) in a bookshelf in my office. It's pretty freaking bright though. Been using them with success for almost a year now with sundews and VFTs. I still put them outside when I have an opportunity.

By rc_osu
Posts:  3
Joined:  Tue May 16, 2017 8:05 pm
For now it seems to be doing the trick, although if something changes I'll post and let you know.

I haven't found what I'm looking for so I think I'll be trying to build something a bit bigger; I'd like to have something large enough where I can house a couple of plants and I'm thinking of using a slightly more powerful light setup (although still similar to the DuneCraft set).

As an aside, it's kind of a shame the DuneCraft setup isn't a little better designed; a few tweaks and this would work out really well as a planting container.
By rc_osu
Posts:  3
Joined:  Tue May 16, 2017 8:05 pm
And those lights you have do look bright! Office rules prevent me from setting something like that up though, which is why I'm looking for a slightly different solution.

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