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By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
If so, does anybody currently have some fresh ones for sale that will deliver internationally?

A while ago I got some different CP seeds from an amazon seller (2 FTs, 3 Sundews, 1 Nep.) that were probably at least a few months old. Since November till now I've only had maybe 4 seedlings sprout? The conditions probably weren't ideal either anyways, so does anyone here know what's worked the best for their seedlings? (Keeping in mind I only have two grow lights, one on a gooseneck lamp)

By KategoricalKarnivore
Posts:  1769
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You can post in the sales trades wants section for whatever your location is, US, UK etc... You will probably have better luck there.
By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
KategoricalKarnivore wrote:You can post in the sales trades wants section for whatever your location is, US, UK etc... You will probably have better luck there.

Ah ok thx
By jwalker
Posts:  419
Joined:  Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:39 pm
I'm willing to bet somethingi s off with your environment or you got really old seeds. I've personally grown seeds that were close to 2 years old.
By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
jwalker wrote:I'm willing to bet somethingi s off with your environment or you got really old seeds. I've personally grown seeds that were close to 2 years old.

Gah, is that so?
Thanks for the advice, I've been thinking next time I should probably try a more informed approach seeing as this was my first time raising them.
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By nimbulan
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I would not recommend buying seeds from Amazon. It's just as infested with scammers as eBay, but it's more difficult to tell if a seller is reliable or not.

Seeds will generally have a higher germination rate with fresher seeds, but that doesn't rule out a problem with your conditions though. You'll have to provide some details about how you have been attempting to germinate them for us to offer advice.
By Shelilla
Posts:  221
Joined:  Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:21 pm
nimbulan wrote:I would not recommend buying seeds from Amazon. It's just as infested with scammers as eBay, but it's more difficult to tell if a seller is reliable or not.

Seeds will generally have a higher germination rate with fresher seeds, but that doesn't rule out a problem with your conditions though. You'll have to provide some details about how you have been attempting to germinate them for us to offer advice.
Oh trust me, I know lol. Thankfully I'm not stupid enough to buy a 'blue enchantress bonsai potted plant sundew 200pcs' or a 'purple giant clip venus flytrap flower seeds mixed' off of eBay from someone in China (lol XD). It's disturbing how those sellers on eBay also somehow have 98% positive feedback often times.
But anyways yeah I know those seeds were legit, from a greenhouse owner in Saskatchewan and they all looked right and (the few that) grew were CPs.

I'm thinking it was probably several factors, and thanks for letting me know. The soil somehow ended up being pretty coarse and all of them managed to get uprooted at some point by accident. Also, it's plenty dry here so if I didn't water them for a day they would be bone dry and die immediately the next day, so humidity easily could have been a problem. Another thing was probably my timing, since it was in the winter and they only had a lamp for light and I didn't bother with a heat pad.
They were all in open lid rectangle plastic containers with a mix of peat and sand, under a growing light.
Would you recommend terrarium kits as a better way of growing them? I'm highly considering getting some from a CP site for like 0.65$ each. :)
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By nimbulan
Posts:  2398
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I generally just start most CP seeds in regular (small) pots sitting in a water tray. With Nepenthes seeds I use LFS and keep the humidity elevated, but don't use a water tray and instead use a spray bottle to keep them moist.

A heating pad can be useful depending on your ambient temperature and what species you are attempting to germinate, and keep in mind that some species require cold stratification.
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