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By Sakaaaaa
Posts:  1021
Joined:  Thu May 12, 2016 2:18 pm
Hey guys! How's it been?

Anyway, I'm looking for a (prefferably a sundew)
-water loving
-sun loving
-small pot
CP. The rain here is insane and a storm can brew up at any time in under 1 minute, in fact, the number 1 reason of me getting wet when raining is because of moving in my succulents from their "hot spot". So I want a water loving , tropical, sun loving and outdoors CP, prefferably a sundew. I'm thinking drosera paradoxa but I would love some advice. I'm asking for a small plant because the trickiest thing is placement, there is not enough sun under the tree, where most of my plants are, so I want something for a small pot.

Side question, will bladderworts eat fish fry? I have a little pond outside but the fish breed so I'm afraid the utricularia will eat the little fry.

Local conditions:
-Very sunny
-Temp always 70°F (~22°C) or more, except at night.
-Lots of rain
-Tropical climate

My last sundew died because of not enough sunlight (That was my fault, not enough sphagnum and you know how small sessifolias are)
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By nimbulan
Posts:  2398
Joined:  Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:03 pm
Drosera paradoxa or D. petiolaris would probably be good choices. They certainly enjoy it hot. I've been told that other petiolaris sundews don't like low temperatures below 70F though so you may not be able to grow them there. I believe there are also some South African species that like warmer temperatures (and quite a few that should tolerate it just fine.)
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By Shadowtski
Posts:  4724
Joined:  Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:19 am
Sakaaaaa wrote:Hey guys! How's it been?

Anyway, I'm looking for a (prefferably a sundew)
-water loving
-sun loving
-small pot
CP. The rain here is insane and a storm can brew up at any time in under 1 minute, in fact, the number 1 reason of me getting wet when raining is because of moving in my succulents from their "hot spot". So I want a water loving , tropical, sun loving and outdoors CP, prefferably a sundew. I'm thinking drosera paradoxa but I would love some advice. I'm asking for a small plant because the trickiest thing is placement, there is not enough sun under the tree, where most of my plants are, so I want something for a small pot.

Side question, will bladderworts eat fish fry? I have a little pond outside but the fish breed so I'm afraid the utricularia will eat the little fry.

Local conditions:
-Very sunny
-Temp always 70°F (~22°C) or more, except at night.
-Lots of rain
-Tropical climate

My last sundew died because of not enough sunlight (That was my fault, not enough sphagnum and you know how small sessifolias are)
You might want to consider Drosera burmannii. It's a small tropical Sundew that has a shallow root root system and is happy in a small pot. It thrives in both full sun and open shade. I had some growing on the North side of my house. They got a little morning and evening sun, most of the day they were in the shade.

Good growing,
By Sakaaaaa
Posts:  1021
Joined:  Thu May 12, 2016 2:18 pm
I have read that drosera paradoxa need very specific growing conditions, so I am leaning towards burmannii now. And dont say capensis, no one sells that. What about d. Filiformis florida red?
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By Shadowtski
Posts:  4724
Joined:  Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:19 am
Sakaaaaa wrote:What about d. Filiformis florida red?
I grow D. filiformis "Florida Red" here in Wisconsin. The plant forms a hibernaculum (Winter Resting Bud) and has a dormant period. It is a short period, maybe 2 - 2 1/2 months but it may not flourish for you if you can't give it shorter, cooler days for several months. Mine is starting to come out of dormancy in my basement grow area now.
Sakaaaaa wrote:And dont say capensis, no one sells that.
OK, I won't say capensis. :) But how about capensis?
If you joined the ICPS, you would access to their seedbank. They sell seeds to members anywhere in the world.

Good growing,
By Fishkeeper
Posts:  803
Joined:  Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:59 pm
Capensis is pretty much the only sundew I see being sold on places like Ebay and Amazon, and they're the ones most common in "death cubes" (which can actually produce some nice plants if you get them out in time).
By Sakaaaaa
Posts:  1021
Joined:  Thu May 12, 2016 2:18 pm
Fishkeeper wrote:Capensis is pretty much the only sundew I see being sold on places like Ebay and Amazon, and they're the ones most common in "death cubes" (which can actually produce some nice plants if you get them out in time).
Well I dont get stuff from amazon and ebay.

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