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By taylerhill
Posts:  120
Joined:  Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:24 pm
hollyhock wrote:Giveaway fun check... :D
Are we having fun yet?
Do you have all your answers to the 12 day questions?
Who will win Santa's final present???
I'm having fun!! And learning a lot that I didn't already know too! Lol. I have all my answers written down so far!
taylerhill liked this
By hollyhock
Posts:  5656
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
Stocking stuffer bonus question...

Which American President banned Christmas trees in the White House?

I am regifting these S.alata seeds since I was given so many...These seeds of Sarracenia Alata have location data from Warren, Texas... So answer this bonus question and you win the seeds....
hollyhock liked this
By hollyhock
Posts:  5656
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
We have a winner... :D

Dr_donut correctly answered that it was Theodore Roosevelt that banned Christmas trees from the White House...
Geez what a Scrooge.... :lol:

Pm me your address and I will send you the seeds... Congratulations
By hollyhock
Posts:  5656
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
Very Important Update...Please read...For those who are participating in this giveaway.
There will be a final question Christmas Eve. Do not send me your answers after the 12th question tomorrow. I don't know how there are 13 questions. Must be that new math.... :lol:
Again final question will be posted Christmas Eve.... :D
By hollyhock
Posts:  5656
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
Santa Hollyhocks seed stash is getting depleted...But I managed to find a package of mimosa pudica seeds. Not carnivorous but a very cool plant. Also known as the sensitive plant...
So answer this stocking stuffer bonus question and win some of these unique seeds.

Which country follows the tradition to light candles on the graves of relatives on Christmas Eve?
By hollyhock
Posts:  5656
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
Wow.. lots of interest in today's stocking stuffer bonus prize....

But only one winner...

Borderlib was the first to correctly answer the question...
The answer is Finland

Last place I want to be on Christmas Eve is in a cemetery... :o
Pm me your address and I will send you the seeds... Congratulations... :D
Hello again from Florida


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