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By IanWasHere
Posts:  7
Joined:  Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:48 pm
I've had these particular VFT since May 2016. They were doing just great and then one day, I noticed that they started to turn black. I have no new shoots, I have drainage holes, soil is moist. Please help me understand whats happening.

Thanks for reading
- Ian
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By Jds
Posts:  730
Joined:  Sat May 02, 2015 5:58 pm
I'm 100% sure. Its just the sun making it look dry.
ok,have you checked TDS of water that you have been using these many months?It can also be one of the reasons.
By Earthy
Posts:  1292
Joined:  Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:58 pm
Benurmanii wrote:"Moist" is not good enough for VFTs. Not sure why everyone thinks VFTs rot so easily. I keep mine standing in water all year, from a few cm to a couple inches when it rains.
right now though...especially here in don't want to keep them wet with our temps currently only in the 60's and cooler. so moderately moist would be the best option.
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