FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Share photos of your Venus Fly Traps here.

Moderator: Matt

By bigpurp57
Posts:  293
Joined:  Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:57 am
Another year or growth almost gone, some of my flytraps.


King Henry has the hat trick! Expecting a growth spurt.


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By BrandonH
Posts:  140
Joined:  Thu Aug 18, 2016 3:41 am
Great looking plants. i love king Henry it is a good grower for me.
Are these all separate forms or mixed pots?
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By bigpurp57
Posts:  293
Joined:  Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:57 am
They are mixed up now but I have purchased Paradisia, jaws, b-52 and several others that had to be re-potted to save them and in the process lost the markers, I know which are typicals and have asked for help Identifying them with no success, I believe that is my jaws in the first picture, don't know what the other is, third pic is my Sawtooth.
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By BrandonH
Posts:  140
Joined:  Thu Aug 18, 2016 3:41 am
I thought they might of been mixed pots. I almost like the look of mixed flytraps more in a single pot then a single species if the mixed species are noticeably different from each other.unfortunately that does happen once in a while I have lots markers for plants before. I honestly couldn't tell you even if they have tags on them with out looking at them. For example B52 , low giant, and B52 x low giant all look about the same to me. Maybe it's just cause i haven't looked at them all for a extended amount of time. What ever you decide to call them they sure are beautiful looking and happy! I Guess what matters is what they look like and not what they are called :)
Hello again from Florida


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