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By VenusFlyTrapLover
Posts:  343
Joined:  Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:21 pm
I was at Walmart and saw these around and they were only $1.29! I went ahead and bought 10, there was about 20, but I didn't want to buy them all because I didn't have a lot of cash on me, but I think I'll buy them tomorrow!

They actually are pretty healthy, and most need a repot, but I think I'll do that after dormancy.
Here is a couple of pictures, enjoy!
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By VenusFlyTrapLover
Posts:  343
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I'll do that after dormancy, and put them in some nice sphagnum moss and hopefully they grow really big! :D

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By VenusFlyTrapLover
Posts:  343
Joined:  Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:21 pm
phant0mv87 wrote:Nice grab! Is it from Rocket Farms?
I bought 2 last year and they've been doing well for me.
Yes it was from them! I'm surprised how incredibly good the plants are, the ones from Lowes aren't as great as these!
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By cjpflaumer
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Those do look great!

I live in socal they must not bring rocket farms over here. Where do you guys live? I have one with no brand and one orchid nursery that supplies lowes home depot Armstrong etc.

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By Smooter80
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Rocket Farms is in the Bay Area, not very far from me. I have only seen their plants once and they were pretty far gone at the retailer.

Mostly I see the same typicals that get toothy leaves when not given enough light. The care instructions with those plants are horrible.
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By cjpflaumer
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Yeah the orchid nursery ones say indirect light on a windowsill and that they don't do well with a draft. Lol...

Rocket farms in the bay area I'm surprised they don't make it down south.

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By BrandonH
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I live in PA and we also get rocket farm flytraps at our walmart. What makes me really jealous is that hey are 4.95$ lol but they are usually in good to decent health when they get them in.
By VenusFlyTrapLover
Posts:  343
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Yeah that was the original price, but I'm from Texas and no one really buys these types of plants. I always end up getting them on sale, haha!

Look at this beauty ;)
IMG_2551.JPG (210.42 KiB) Viewed 4248 times
By BrandonH
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Probably a cacti town down there in Texas lol. Ours are sold out with in days of being put on the shelf. So for that reason price never comes down.

That is a beauty for sure! Man that pot is packed too!
By VenusFlyTrapLover
Posts:  343
Joined:  Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:21 pm
Awh, I see.. You should ask Walmart or Lowes when they ship the plants! They usually come on Friday's over here, so I know when to go down but even if I'm late, they'll still be there! :D

Yeah I know, it has a lot of leaves! I'm going to repot it after dormancy and give it some space, hopefully it grows even bigger! :)
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