FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By Leathal_Traps
Posts:  1311
Joined:  Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:27 am
roarke wrote:But it will eat seeds that i put for germination ?
Nope, not unless they are rotting. A month and a half ago I planted over 12 different cp seed species and I see springtails in all the pots but still plenty of germination. Springtails only eat dead, decaying matter.

I would think that the TDS would be different in d[…]

Hello from New England

Greetings from another New Englanda’

Finally!!! Rain!!!!

8s, keep looking on Craig's List and any local &qu[…]

I heard that keeping your Venus fly trap outdoors […]

Input on Neps placement

Would you folks recommend putting my plants outdoo[…]

should be fine, springtails make their way into co[…]

I have a Viparspectra v1000 in my grow area, about[…]

New to carnivorous plants!

I wonder if the fibers death cube traps come in no[…]

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