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By Earthy
Posts:  1292
Joined:  Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:58 pm
my Intermedia x Rotundifolia cross seedling decided to do this. if it is a hibernacula not sure why it would have made one; it gets a long photoperiod, moist medium, and warmth. the leaves haven't moved in growth. the D. Tonkanensis and D. Capensis seedlings are doing fine in the same container. what should I do?
By entropy81
Posts:  302
Joined:  Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:10 pm
Hard to tell because it's so incredibly small. But yeah, it looks like a small hibernacula.

Both rotundifolia and intermedia go dormant for me regardless of what the temperature or photoperiod is. Yours could be too. Capensis shouldn't ever go dormant, and tokaiensis probably won't if it doesn't have to either. I just leave them alone until they come out of it. They handle it pretty well. My rotundifolia actually goes dormant twice a year, summer and winter, the intermedia only once a year. They've been through a couple years with 75 degree 16 hours lit dormancy. When it wakes up and starts growing again feed it.
By Earthy
Posts:  1292
Joined:  Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:58 pm
Do I just keep watering like normal? It would be hard to water it differently since they are all in the same container...
By Earthy
Posts:  1292
Joined:  Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:58 pm
Okay cool!! I had another one that did this but it died (not sure why; thought it was too wet) so hopefully this one will survive and start growing again :)
By Adelaide
Posts:  538
Joined:  Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:05 pm
Yes, and it looks to be a healthy one as well. Just keep doing what you're doing! (My rotundifolias have all formed hibernacula as well, despite keeping my normal watering and lighting schedule.)
By Earthy
Posts:  1292
Joined:  Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:58 pm
Thanks so far!! It seems to be sleeping away; hopefully it'll wake up soon and start growing again lol
By Earthy
Posts:  1292
Joined:  Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:58 pm
I'm gonna let it do what it wants lol...I'm sure it'll wake up when it wants to and feels it's time :)
By LuminousAphid
Posts:  65
Joined:  Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:35 pm
Yeah the only temperate I have is a D. rotundifolia, and it is dormant right now despite being near all my tropicals which are doing great. Its hibernaculum is even smaller, due to some abuse it underwent this summer (I let it dry out multiple times, which was not appreciated). This one is wild, and seems to have made up its mind that now is dormancy time; I had no say in the matter!
By Earthy
Posts:  1292
Joined:  Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:58 pm
sorry to say that it fizzled out and died yesterday :( so, I sowed some more seeds in hopes that I get some more, being I've never had this cross kinda sad :(
Drosera seeds in water?

Ok. Thank you very much, everyone!

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