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By ps3isawesome
Posts:  981
Joined:  Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:09 pm
Man Eating Plants (Phil) is someone I bought an amazing Cobra Lily from and the plant is doing exceptionally well. The price was amazing and I highly recommend him to other people.

He recently injured himself and is out of a job. Your purchase would help him save his home and small business.

This is what he wrote on his face book.

Ebay listing.


Size like this would've cost me $120 at California Carnivorous but Phill only charged me $34.95
You can bet that they are pet friendly, non venomous, and bite free Cobras!

You could also lead a team of hero and try to save the world with it.

Or fight evil wizards!
Last edited by ps3isawesome on Mon Aug 24, 2015 3:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
By Eric
Posts:  1143
Joined:  Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:23 am
That's so sad! Will have to look into an order soon, my last cobra didn't do so well. How are you taking care of yours?
By ps3isawesome
Posts:  981
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I grow them right next to my Sarracenias fully exposed to direct sun and in the same tray. Although I am lucky enough to be in coastal Northern California weather. Not sure how this method would work in other areas. Phil has said they can also be grown under shade with some direct sunlight in the morning.
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By nimbulan
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ps3isawesome wrote:I grow them right next to my Sarracenias fully exposed to direct sun and in the same tray. Although I am lucky enough to be in coastal Northern California weather. Not sure how this method would work in other areas. Phil has said they can also be grown under shade with some direct sunlight in the morning.
That's what I do here in Oregon as well, based on advice from an experienced grower after the seller told me the plant could not tolerate full sun.
By Eric Millikin
Posts:  161
Joined:  Sat May 03, 2014 5:17 pm
Man, that's terrible. I hadn't heard. Thanks for posting this.

The plants I've got from Phil in the past have been A+++ seriously great stuff and he has been good people.
Last edited by Eric Millikin on Mon Aug 24, 2015 3:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
By Benurmanii
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I had always heard that it needs full sun but likes cool roots. Will consider buying from him, I was looking at some medium sized cobra lilies for sale at Cascade Carnivores for only 26.00, but it seems that he hardens his plants for lots of heat, and so far Portland has been having a lot of very hot days :evil:
By iamjacksplants
Posts:  591
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Wow. Thanks for posting this. I'm sold.

I too am recovering from surgery and cannot work. It's really rough. I'm not doing to well either with the money bit, but I'm not quite that desperate yet. So, if I'm going to buy some plants with money I shouldn't be spending, it might as well be helping someone who needs it.

So sign me up!

Cobra Lilly's haven't really hit me in the face yet, but I'm sure they'll win my affection eventually. Does he sell any other types of carnivores or just the Cobra Lilly's?

Thanks again for posting this.
By ps3isawesome
Posts:  981
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I think phil just sells cobra lilies. That's the only plants I've seen on his ebay listings.

Cobra lilies are one of my fav. The way it lures and traps insects is also really cool.

By iamjacksplants
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Alright, sounds good. I'm still in. I'll find some time to look at the link soon and see what I like, I'm sure there will be something. I already like the idea that he specializes in them.

Once I get something I'll post pictures an help spread the word.

By ps3isawesome
Posts:  981
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Phil's cobra lilies is also one of the toughest out there. The ones that thrives in his collection are ones that have survived his harsh conditions, kind of like survival of the fittest through cross breeding.

Here's what he sent me when asked whether they are coastal or mountain type cobras.

"They are mutts that IMO are far more predictable than either type. surviving and thriving in a Summer of solid high 90s and 100 degree+ temps with no rain for 55 days. most important thing is they have never been babied in a greenhouse, but would certainly flourish in such an environment as well."
By iamjacksplants
Posts:  591
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ps3isawesome wrote:Phil's cobra lilies is also one of the toughest out there. The ones that thrives in his collection are ones that have survived his harsh conditions, kind of like survival of the fittest through cross breeding.

Here's what he sent me when asked whether they are coastal or mountain type cobras.

"They are mutts that IMO are far more predictable than either type. surviving and thriving in a Summer of solid high 90s and 100 degree+ temps with no rain for 55 days. most important thing is they have never been babied in a greenhouse, but would certainly flourish in such an environment as well."
Awesome! I just messaged him on his eBay store, so hopefully I hear back soon. Given what you've just told me, I believe I will be able to stick these guys outside where I'm at, which would be FANTASTIC!

Thanks again for the post and for answering my questions, ps3isawesome.
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By ps3isawesome
Posts:  981
Joined:  Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:09 pm
Here's another review from buyer corey216 from Sarracenia Proboard ... er-details


I got this from Phil a couple of weeks ago. It's not as big as some of the others that I have seen on here but there is two plants instead of one. I wrapped the pot in aluminum foil and have a dripping mechanism set up to keep water flowing over the roots. I do not let this plant sit in standing water like sarracenia. It has been really hot here the past month (90 degrees almost every day) and it seems to be doing great with three new growth points started since I got it. The plant was extremely healthy when I received it and didn't skip a beat even though it was in a box for a few days. If you are wanting to buy a darlingtonia, this guy is the real deal and you will not be disappointed.

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