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Moderator: Matt

Posts:  87
Joined:  Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:36 pm
Hello guys, I've got red spider mites on one of my nepenthes and I've got thrips/springtails(I don't know which) on all of my plants. I just bought neem oil and it's arriving in 8 days because Amazon is very slow. This is what I bought: ... _i=desktop

I just want to ask: how do you use it? Do I dilute then spray onto the soil? I hope the mites don't go crazy. Thanks
By kcbugs
Posts:  538
Joined:  Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:07 pm
The product you linked to is a concentrate. Follow the directions to mix. Saturate the plant, making sure to get the underside of all the leaves. Get plenty on the soil as well.
kcbugs liked this
By KissMegan
Posts:  659
Joined:  Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:07 am
Like KC said spray all over. If you miss a part it won't get the pests. Springtail usually don't do much damage to plants, I'm pretty sure they just eat the fungus in the soil. On the other hand thrips and spider mites are a problem. If you uploaded pictures of the pests I'd be able to identify them for you :)
Either way neem oil should work well. If you live somewhere that you can legally buy orthene that may be a better choice but both work!
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May I ask, will neem oil work as a fungicide for dormancy in the fridge? I have no other fungicide for my VFTs.
By tish
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EXD, its better to use miticide against spider mites. But you need to accurately identify that pest. They are extremely tiny and look like dandruff flakes but smaller! Orange and white for my case. Use a magnifying glass to confirm.
By Leathal_Traps
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The one time I bought neem oil it failed miserably. My hands smelled for a week, and since it wouldn't mix with water ( Idk if I used it right) everything got messed up, and my plants died. As far as spider mites work, I highly recommend Floramite. I had spidermites on my cephs for months, got one of the small bottles for around $20 on ebay, sprayed my plants once, and I have never seen them again. IMO you want to tackle them as aggressively as possible because they cause major damage to your plants.
By balaji hustler
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Ive used neem oil to kill spring tails and it worked like a charm but in the process the color of the vft went from bright green to blackish green in 4 days ! . is it dying ? Or coating of oil on the plant makes it look that way ?

Before using neem oil Image

After using neem oil Image
By KissMegan
Posts:  659
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I personally would not have gotten the neem oil on the flytrap. They're pretty sensitive to insecticides even something as mild as neem oil. I don't think repotting would be good wither right now as its supposed to be dormant :) overall I think it should be okay. Next time if you're spraying for springtails don't spray over the plant and if you do get some on it spray it down with water a bit.
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By balaji hustler
Posts:  100
Joined:  Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:01 pm
Hey tnx for the reply :) when it snows n u.s it rains in india .so we need to force the plant to go dormant. Since its a 2 month old seedling i didnt do that and its growing fine :) so I completely washed the growing medium , put back in da old pot and topped it with fresh medium and planted the vft seedlings. While I emptied the pot while repotting I found a vft seedling in the gap between the pot and the medium and it looked healthier than the ones that was growing on the surface !. No sun burn, no dried left tips no damage at all :D. Guess I should reduce the intensity of the sun light its receiving to keep em healthy. This is the pic of the newly found seedling that was growing in the gap :D Image

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