FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

Moderator: Matt

By Feline Ferocity
Posts:  42
Joined:  Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:30 pm
So i got my first ever VFTs, Sundews and Tinas in September of this year and three of my five VFTs have started to grow stalks (seeds/flowers?) my Cape Sundew has a very long flower/seed stalk going on and one of my Butterworts has just started to grow a flower/seed stalk too!!

I have taken some photos and such, also... i am extremely impressed at how big my traps have gotten... i've not even repotted any of them yet and was planning on maybe starting the dormancy period but now i have no idea what to do lol

Here are some photos with a 30cm ruler so you can get sizes on traps and stalks!!






Apologise for my gnarly thumb nail lol
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By Feline Ferocity
Posts:  42
Joined:  Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:30 pm
Aww noooooo lol!

Just out of curiosity, what if i left the VFT stalks till they flowered and spread their seed?

also my biggest traps are an inch wide (maybe a slight bit bigger) when open, ready to catch bugs
By MrsMuscipula
Posts:  473
Joined:  Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:01 am
If you let them flower, they may not have much energy left to go through winter dormancy. Flowering takes lots of energy for the plant, and doing so this late in the season will be especially rough on them. Traps will not grow as big. Growth in general will not be very vigorous.
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By Atilla
Posts:  22
Joined:  Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:32 pm
I've the same dilemma, actually. My biggest plant grew wider leaves and smaller traps, as usual for dormancy, but it has now decided to also flower. For the second time this year. The last time was very early in the year, still in dormancy period so I had to snip them off. I know the timing is not optimal, but I was thinking of leaving it to grow this time.

IMG_4327.jpeg This is the pot in question.

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