FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By Dematerialize
Posts:  551
Joined:  Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:07 pm
I bought a little bag of Catnip seeds over a month or so ago.

About a week after sowing them, I got a few to germinate:

Not long after more popped up:

They grew pretty quickly:

Sadly, one day I forgot to water them and the heat got to them rather quickly. All but one survived. It was the largest one that remained unscathed by the heat.

I've been very careful in the last few weeks and it has paid off. This is the little guy now(not so little anymore):

As you can see it's even growing new little plants around itself. Today I cut a few leaves for my cats and they love them. :D
By Dematerialize
Posts:  551
Joined:  Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:07 pm
Update 9/13/2014:

Plant's still growing like crazy.

It keeps shooting up small plantlets all around it, although most don't seem to make it for too long since they can't deal with the high heat and direct sunlight the mother plant can already handle.

I've been trimming it heavily to allow the smaller shoots a chance to grow so it grows a bit bushier(I'm keeping the cut leaves for my cats, of course :D ). I cut the larger leaves as soon as the two small ones begin to grow at the base of the stem.

Here you can see the small leaves already growing up pretty quick.

That's all for now! I'll probably post again later when there's any noticeable change or growth. :D

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